The journey of Muammar Gaddafi is one of a young, handsome, charismatic army officer, from a revolutionary hero to an international pariah. The death and assassination of the former Libyan colonel...
In a world where entertainment and media rule, it has become much easier to become a celebrity than it was in the 80s and 70s. Many new faces who would have not been celebrities are made famous...
So who is Benjamin Fernandes? Benjamin Fernandes is a Tanzanian entrepreneur and the founder of NALA; a money Transfer service that reduces the costs of sending money from abroad to East Africa...
So Charles Njonjo left us this morning at age 101. He was cremated fast and that hardly gave us the time to mourn him but given his last years have been quiet, I suppose it was the right thing...
The year is 1993, sometime in August. Eintracht Frankfurt is playing Karlsruher SC in German top-flight premiership league, Bundesliga. Frankfurt is leading by a mere 2-1 and in comes a quick...