Do you often feel you could do much better than you are doing in your business, career, or life? Or, do you seem to be doing everything right but making very little progress?
Often the reasons are as varied as individuals are and your goals and objectives. However, the principles of making real progress and accomplishing goals are the same. You just need to know how to apply them in your specific situation to get the results you are looking for. When you do not get these rights, one can often feel stuck. To get out of this bad situation you need to get unstuck. Four steps to get unstuck;
a. Make up your mind to make a change; this ensures you get started in making the change that you want to see happen. Set a time and date to get started as long as you have not set aside the time and necessary resources to make the shift things will remain the same. You cannot get started till you actually get started. Saying it and doing it are two very different things. Many people go through life planning how they are going to d this or that only to realize that days, weeks, and often years have gone by and they have not made that first step that would get them started on the path they want to be on.
b. Understand the principles of Achievement/success; Take time to get an understanding of what you need to know. If this requires that you take a short course, read a book or attend a conference take the time to do so. This will ensure you do not act out of ignorance – which can often end up getting you frustrated. Knowledge is power and in this case, it empowers you to take the right action and make informed choices as you start the journey to a better you.
c. Get a Coach: A coach has seen the principles in action and can help you apply knowledge more effectively – meaning you make fewer mistakes. Sometimes knowledge alone is not enough. Experience can make a whole lot of difference in the quality of results you are able to get and how effectively and efficiently you get the results you are seeking.
d. Get backup support; Work with peers that want the same thing. They may not necessarily be seeking the exact same result but they should also be working towards a similar goal. Peer learning ensures if there are any industry or environmental changes in the application that you are able to learn from others even as you learn from your coach. Peers also will help you continue developing your skills even after a coaching period is over.
All said remember, this could be the year to transform your life and be where you want to be. The only thing that can hinder you is yourself.
As a business leader, it also makes sense to ensure your team is on the right path as well. Ensure your team is on the same page with you by coaching them or giving them the support they need so you all are pulling in the same direction or your efforts could be wasted.
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