Trust the Process

One thing that I continually have a problem with is ‘trusting the process’. It is difficult for many of us in a world that requires instant results because life is so fast-paced. Increasingly, people don’t judge you by your journey but the results. The reality is results are vain, the process is what makes a man. The process requires discipline, consistency, resolve sheer mettle. It dictates what side of the line you fall; light/darkness, success / failure, rich / poor, sick / healthy, etc. Even where other factors come into play (favor), the process still determines how much you benefit or do not benefit from anything.
What is the process? A proven way of doing something to get a certain result. Most processes take time. This is important because it proves you are worth the reward and will not take it for granted – in other words -easy come, easy go. It is the law the universe stands on – things that go up come down, if you rub something long enough it heats up. Things that are not proven by process become rejects until they fit into a process where you can use them for good. e.g. when you slaughter a cow, the hooves may be useless till you decide to make soup or gelatin or sell them to someone who has a use for them. That said, before you think the process is only about things and money, the process is also about you as an input
Rev3:16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth
Please read the other verses around this for a full perspective. Now given this is in the book of revelation (God’s final words to his followers till he comes again ) it really can bring you back to reality if you have been ‘extra high’ on God’s unmerited favor and that salvation is free. If it hasn’t hit you yet, salvation is a process, not a destination.
Reality is everything in this life and probably in the afterlife has a process or, is part of one. The sooner you learn what processes are there for anything you want to achieve, the sooner you get results. God has graciously given us a lot of these principles through His innate wisdom in all of us and in his written word. Don’t worry that we are living at different times, remember the more things change the more they remain the same. There are principles in any process that never change. Continually lookout for these when you think the game has changed or you moving to new markets, or, handling spiritual matters from that new preacher who promises husband/wife. 

Just be patient and trust the process. Nothing works unless you work it.

So given that process is so important, why do most of us struggle with it? As a human being each time we experience something for the very first time, the assumption is it is new to humanity.  Understand, there is nothing new under the sun. Whatever you have or are experiencing, hundreds,  if not thousands or millions of people have gone through over time. Trusting the process is really trusting that the experiences of all these people counts and that you can learn from those experiences.
This is also what happens when we choose to learn from a coach or mentor. We are trusting that their experiences, the processes they have built over time will also work for us in part or full.  So you need not create processes each time but learn what others who have gone ahead of us. The problem is, in a fast tech world where we want fast results, it may feel that a process is not working. Herein is the challenge. This causes many to give up on a process that takes time.  
In a complex world, processes are also merged to give multiple results. This is where tailoring processes and understanding the principle behind a process is crucial. It also applies to tailor processes to the specific results you want. The most successful people increasingly use different processes and are able to execute them either using other people, technology, or others’ resources.
Take time to learn and execute the process and principles for whatever area you are looking to succeed and trust it to get you to your expected results.
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  • Annabel Onyando

    The goal is impactful articles. If my words touch you; Africans of all creed and colour all over the world, and help you grow, then my work is done. Because media changes lives

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