What’s The Deal?

The deal is all about Marketing. Marketing in layman terms is about matching the needs of your target market to your offering in the right place, at the right price and at the right time. It is not possible for the business to get close to the customer without good marketing. Good marketing will involve a good understanding of the target customer and tailoring of your product and services to meet their need. This is then communicated through your marketing efforts. Selling ensures the offering is translated to paying customers.

The deal is communicated in your value proposition. This is a summary of how what you do is beneficial to the end-user or target client and should cover:

i) their problem,
ii) the impact of solving this need,
iii) your solution,
iv) how it has helped others and
v) a description of the target customer,
vi) why it is different.
Good marketing material should highlight your uniqueness before the client asks why using your services or product would leave them better off than they are with their current solution. This is can be done with the help of good branding.
In the following days, we will be looking at marketing.
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