As long as you feed yourself with what you want to hear, your perspective, actions, and impact will always be emaciated.
You cannot eat only one food – however healthy the item is and expect to get all your nutrients your body needs. Just because you like chicken you cannot only eat chicken and remain healthy. Every cell in your body needs a variety of nutrients to be at its best, then the organ functions well and your whole body is at its optimal. Another way to look at it, the body does not feed minerals to the leg muscles, proteins (amino acids) to the arm muscles to remain healthy, etc but each cell gets all the different nutrients for the body to be healthy.
As a nation, it is important that each cell (person) has a healthy perspective of the nation (not their tribe) in totality. A perspective that feeds only on one view makes you as an individual cell in this nation sick – and as a result the nation sick. This includes your preconceived notions. One way to address this is to come out of your tribal cocoon and really listen to the rest of the nation objectively – not your tribe (tribe, in this case, means anyone who has the same view as you i.e. people of your class, social standing, ethnicity, culture, language, ability, even height ? , etc) This will make you a healthier individual and as a result of the nation healthier.
As long as a group of people (cells) choose to continue with unhealthy nutrition, eventually, they become sick, resulting in a sick organ that needs to be removed – and it will be removed because no Nation will die from a few unhealthy cells.
Even the God who knows all and created humanity says ‘come let us reason together.’ If God wants to here what you have to say, who are you, a mere mortal to think your ‘tribe’ should not reason together with others? And he says ‘where two or three are gathered together I will be there in their midst’. My take from this is when praying for a nation don’t bother calling God’s name if it’s only one ‘tribe’ (view) gathered. Dear, He ain’t there. And remember before you create an excuse to support your unhealthy perspective He has exalted his word above all else..
As we end this month, do consider the views and feelings of all the different cultures, social groups, gender, abilities of the people represented around you to build a wholesome perspective.
Ref: Isaiah 1:18, Psalm 138:2, Mathew 18:20 you feed yourself with what you want to hear, your perspective, actions and impact will always be emaciated.
You cannot eat only one food – however healthy the item is and expect to get all your nutrients and expect your body to operate at its optimal ability. Just because you like chicken you cannot only eat chicken and remain healthy. Every cell in your body needs a variety of nutrients to be at its best, then the organ functions well and your whole body is at its optimal. Another way to look at it, the body does not feed minerals to the leg muscles, proteins (amino acids) to the arm muscles to remain healthy etc but each cell gets all the different nutrients for the body to be healthy.
As a nation, it is important that each cell (person) has a healthy perspective of the nation (not their tribe) in totality. A perspective that feeds only on one view makes you as an individual cell in this nation sick – and as a result the nation sick. This includes your preconceived notions. One way to address this is to come out of your tribal cocoon and really listen to the rest of the nation objectively – not your tribe (tribe in this case means anyone who has the same view as you i.e. people of your class, social standing, ethnicity, culture, language, ability, even height ? etc) This will make you a healthier individual and as a result the nation healthier.
As long as a group of people (cells) choose to continue with unhealthy nutrition, eventually they become sick, resulting in a sick organ that needs to be removed – and it will be removed because no Nation will die from a few unhealthy cells.
Even the God who knows all and created humanity says ‘come let us reason together.’ If God wants to here what you have to say, who are you, a mere mortal to think your ‘tribe’ should not reason together with others? And he says ‘where two or three are gathered together I will be there in their midst’. My take from this is when praying for a nation don’t bother calling God’s name if it’s only one ‘tribe’ (view) gathered. Dear He ain’t there. And remember before you create an excuse to support your unhealthy perspective He has exalted his word above all else..
As we end this month, do consider the views and feelings of all the different cultures, social groups, gender, abilities of the people represented around you to build a wholesome perspective.
Ref: Isaiah 1:18, Psalm 138:2, Mathew 18:20