Holier Than Thou

It’s amazing the number of people who know how to criticize others when they do not know what they have been through. Now unless you were born of the same parents, with the same genes, have had the same experiences you really have no right to point figures at anyone who made life-changing decisions and even a choice for death. If the one who created them gives them that choice, who are you to think anyone should make the decisions and choices you think are correct? Some of us would even criticize Jesus for dying on the cross (you understand that was a suicide mission)

But please lets set our eyes on higher things. I choose to see the best in every person not because I am a better human being but because they are not me and they are here for a purpose. God planted a seed in them that I do not have and chances of me learning from them and me meeting my purpose in this life’s journey are so much higher when I choose to learn other than criticize. I strive for humility and boy is it hard Oooo – but necessary

Remember Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

In the most rotten of us there is a good thing, look for that.

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