Funding Opportunities for African Entrepreneurs



In the heart of Africa, a potent narrative is being written. Each day, a multitude of African entrepreneurs – visionaries, innovators, and game-changers – bring forth ideas that have the potential to revolutionise sectors as diverse as agriculture to technology. Yet, the question arises: Do these trailblazers have the necessary resources to transform their visions into reality? This is where funding opportunities come into play.

Opportunities In Different Regions

Funding In different Sectors

Business Incubators In East African Regions

Business Incubators In North African Regions

Business Incubators In West African Regions

Business Incubators In Central African Regions

Business Incubators In SouthAfrican Regions

Focus On Regional Opportunities 

Each region in Africa boasts distinct opportunities, reflecting its unique blend of cultures, resources, and markets. As we traverse the continent, from the vibrant markets of West Africa to the innovative hubs of South Africa, what investment opportunities might we uncover?

Today, we’re embarking on a journey across the diverse landscapes of Africa to uncover unique business opportunities in each region. From the vibrant markets of East Africa to the historic landscapes of North Africa, the opportunities are as varied as the cultures that make up this incredible continent.

East Africa: A Hub of Innovation and Technology

East Africa has emerged as a hotbed for innovation and technology. With countries like Kenya leading the way in fintech, there are numerous opportunities for businesses to tap into the growing digital economy. From mobile payment solutions to agribusiness innovations, East Africa is fostering a dynamic entrepreneurial spirit.


  • E-commerce platforms cater to the unique needs of local consumers.
  • Agtech solutions addressing challenges in agriculture and food security.
  • Renewable energy projects, leveraging East Africa’s vast natural resources.

North Africa: Bridging Tradition and Modernity

In the historical tapestry of North Africa, where ancient civilisations meet modern aspirations, opportunities abound. The region’s strategic location makes it a hub for trade and cultural exchange, providing a fertile ground for businesses to thrive.


  • Tourism ventures capitalising on the rich historical and cultural heritage.
  • Renewable energy projects harnessing the region’s solar potential.
  • Traditional crafts and artisanal businesses combine heritage with modern design.

Central Africa: Unlocking Potential in Resources

Central Africa, with its lush rainforests and abundant natural resources, holds unique business opportunities. While facing development challenges, the region presents openings for sustainable ventures that balance economic growth with environmental conservation.


  • Sustainable forestry and eco-tourism initiatives.
  • Agribusiness projects focusing on responsible and ethical practices.
  • Renewable energy solutions tailored to the region’s specific needs.

West Africa: A Melting Pot of Culture and Commerce

West Africa’s vibrant mix of cultures and bustling markets creates a dynamic business environment. From the bustling streets of Lagos to the serene coastlines of Senegal, opportunities in trade, arts, and technology are ripe for exploration.


  • Fashion and design businesses showcasing West Africa’s unique style.
  • Tech startups are addressing local challenges in healthcare and education.
  • Agribusiness ventures capitalising on the region’s diverse agriculture.

South Africa: Economic Powerhouse and Innovation Hub

In the southern tip of the continent, South Africa stands as an economic powerhouse and a leader in innovation. Boasting a well-developed infrastructure and a diverse economy, there are exciting opportunities across various sectors.


  • Technology and software development companies serving both local and global markets.
  • Renewable energy projects contribute to the country’s commitment to sustainability.
  • Tourism ventures exploring the beauty of South Africa’s landscapes.

Overview of Funding Sectors 

With the 21 century scrumble for Africa, many institutions want to be part of the investment in the continent. There is no shortage of money but a shortage of viable business plans. Before approaching these organisations for funding, it’s crucial to thoroughly research their specific focus areas, eligibility criteria, and application processes. Additionally, local and national government agencies, as well as industry-specific associations, may offer support and funding opportunities for projects in your sector and specific African countries. Join networks to get this information, and watch out for information on the news and business pages. Always seeking and showing interest in opportunities that may come your way will ensure your network keeps you informed when there is any relevant information.

Investment in Africa has the dual advantage of yielding substantial returns and fostering socio-economic development. It is a great opportunity for investors.

Agriculture Funding

In the continent known as the world’s breadbasket, agriculture remains a cornerstone of African economies.

Numerous funds and organisations provide funding for agricultural initiatives in Africa, supporting farmers, agribusinesses, and sustainable agriculture projects. Here are some notable sources:

  1. African Agriculture Fund (AAF): AAF focuses on investments in the agribusiness sector across the African continent. It provides funding to companies involved in various stages of the agricultural value chain.
  2. AGRA – Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa: AGRA works to transform African agriculture by supporting smallholder farmers. They provide grants and funding for projects that aim to increase productivity and sustainability in agriculture.
  3. IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development: IFAD invests in rural development projects and supports smallholder farmers. They provide funding for initiatives that aim to improve agricultural productivity, enhance market access, and reduce poverty.
  4. AECF – Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund: AECF provides grants and repayable grants to businesses in the agribusiness sector. They support innovations that contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction.
  5. AGDevCo – Agricultural Development Company: AGDevCo invests in early-stage agribusinesses in Africa to promote agricultural development and improve food security. They provide funding and technical support.
  6. RUFORUM – Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture: RUFORUM supports agricultural research and training in African universities. They provide grants and scholarships for research and capacity-building initiatives.
  7. CTA – Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation: CTA provides funding for projects that leverage information and communication technologies (ICTs) in agriculture. They support initiatives that enhance the agricultural value chain.
  8. IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative: IDH works to promote sustainable and inclusive agricultural practices. They collaborate with businesses and governments to fund projects that improve agricultural sustainability.
  9. NEPAD – New Partnership for Africa’s Development: NEPAD supports agricultural development projects across the continent. They work with various partners to mobilise resources and provide funding for agricultural initiatives.
  10. World Food Programme (WFP) Innovation Accelerator: While not solely focused on funding, the WFP Innovation Accelerator supports innovative solutions to address global hunger, including projects related to agriculture and food security.

Before applying for funding, it’s essential to review the criteria and requirements of each organisation carefully. Additionally, local and national government agricultural departments, development banks, and agricultural cooperatives may also offer funding and support for agriculture-related projects in Africa.

Technology Funding

Africa’s tech startups are a testament to the continent’s ingenuity and resilience.

Several funds and organisations provide funding for technology-related initiatives in Africa, ranging from startups to broader technology adoption and innovation. Here are some notable sources:

  1. African Fintech Foundry: A venture of Access Bank, this initiative supports fintech startups in Africa. It provides funding, mentorship, and resources to entrepreneurs working on innovative financial technology solutions.
  2. African Innovation Foundation (AIF): AIF works to promote innovation across the continent. They organise the Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA), which awards cash prizes and support to innovators in various sectors, including technology.
  3. African Development Foundation (ADF): ADF supports community-based development and entrepreneurship. While not exclusively focused on technology, they may fund projects that leverage technology for community development.
  4. Orange Digital Ventures Africa & Middle East: This venture capital initiative by Orange focuses on investing in startups in Africa and the Middle East. They support innovative projects in various sectors, including technology.
  5. Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF): TEF’s Entrepreneurship Program supports African entrepreneurs, including those in the technology sector. They provide funding, mentorship, and training to selected startups.
  6. AfriLabs: AfriLabs is a network of innovation hubs across Africa. While not a funding source itself, it connects startups and entrepreneurs with potential investors and partners in the technology and innovation space.
  7. Savannah Fund: This is an Africa-focused technology venture capital fund. It invests in early-stage startups and provides support to entrepreneurs in building scalable technology companies.
  8. African Angel Investor Network (AAIN): AAIN connects angel investors with startup opportunities in Africa. They may facilitate funding for technology startups through their network.
  9. Google for Startups Accelerator Africa: Google supports startups in Africa through its accelerator program, providing mentorship, equity-free support, and access to Google resources.
  10. The World Bank Group – Digital Entrepreneurship Program: The World Bank supports digital entrepreneurship programs that aim to foster innovation and technology adoption. Projects may include funding for startups and initiatives promoting digital transformation.

Before applying for funding, it’s important to thoroughly research each organisation, understand their specific focus areas, and review their eligibility criteria and application processes. Additionally, staying connected with local innovation hubs, networking events, and industry conferences can help entrepreneurs discover new funding opportunities in the dynamic African technology landscape.

Entertainment Funding

From Nollywood to vibrant music scenes, Africa’s entertainment industry is a celebration of its rich cultural heritage.

Funding for the entertainment industry in Africa can come from various sources, including government grants, private investors, NGOs, and international organisations. Here are some potential avenues for funding in the entertainment sector:

  1. African Music Fund (AMF): The AMF, established by Nigerian artist Mr. Eazi, aims to provide financial support and resources to African artists in the music industry.
  2. Multichoice Talent Factory: Multichoice, the company behind DStv, runs the Talent Factory program to develop and train young talent in the film and television industry. It may offer opportunities for funding and mentorship.
  3. African Animation Network (AAN): AAN supports animators and content creators in the African animation industry. They may provide resources and information on funding opportunities.
  4. National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF): South Africa’s NFVF offers funding and support for the development, production, and distribution of films.
  5. African Film and TV Industry Fund: This fund focuses on supporting the growth and development of the film and television industry in Africa, providing funding for various stages of production.
  6. Ampion Venture Bus: Ampion supports entrepreneurs in the creative industry, including entertainment, through its startup accelerator programs, offering funding, mentorship, and resources.
  7. Discop Africa Media Summit: While not a direct funding source, the Discop market events bring together content producers, distributors, and investors, offering opportunities to network and pitch projects.
  8. Goethe-Institut Funding Programs: The Goethe-Institut offers funding and support for cultural and artistic projects, including those in the entertainment sector.
  9. Grants and Competitions: Keep an eye on grants and competitions specific to the entertainment industry. For example, the Afrinolly Cinema4Change project focuses on supporting filmmakers in creating content for social change.
  10. Private Investors and Production Companies: Explore partnerships with private investors, production companies, and entertainment studios that may be interested in funding or co-producing projects.

Education Funding

Investing in education is investing in Africa’s future. Several organisations and funds provide support for building schools and educational infrastructure in Africa. Keep in mind that funding opportunities may change, so it’s advisable to check the latest information and specific requirements. Here are some notable organisations and funds:

  1. Global Partnership for Education (GPE): GPE is a partnership of governments, donors, and civil society organisations dedicated to supporting education in developing countries. It funds projects to strengthen education systems, including building schools.
  2. African Development Bank (AfDB): AfDB supports various development projects, including those related to education infrastructure. Their initiatives may involve building schools and improving educational facilities.
  3. World Bank – Education Sector: The World Bank provides funding for education projects worldwide. It collaborates with governments to improve education infrastructure, including constructing schools.
  4. UNICEF: Education Programmes: UNICEF focuses on children’s rights, including the right to education. They support projects related to education infrastructure, including building and renovating schools.
  5. Educate a Child (EAC): EAC is an initiative of the Education Above All Foundation that works to enrol out-of-school children and improve access to quality education. It may support projects involving the construction of schools.
  6. The Malala Fund: While primarily focused on advocating for girls’ education, the Malala Fund may support projects related to building and improving school infrastructure.
  7. Mastercard Foundation: The Mastercard Foundation supports education initiatives, including those aimed at building and improving school infrastructure in Africa.
  8. Cambridge Education: This organisation works on education projects globally, often collaborating with governments and other partners to improve educational infrastructure, including school construction.
  9. Schools for Africa: Run by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Schools for Africa partners with other organisations to improve access to quality education, including building and renovating schools.
  10. Nonprofit Organisations: Various nonprofit organisations and charities, both local and international, may have specific programs or initiatives focused on building schools and improving educational infrastructure in Africa.

When seeking funding for school construction projects, it’s essential to carefully review the eligibility criteria and application processes of each organisation. Additionally, reaching out to local government agencies, educational institutions, and community development organisations can provide valuable insights and potential sources of support.

Art Funding

African art, with its profound symbolism and diversity, warrants global recognition. Could funding help artists gain international exposure?

Funding for the arts can come from various sources, including government agencies, private foundations, nonprofits, and individual donors. Here are some common avenues for art funding:

  1. Government Grants: Many governments provide grants to support the arts. These grants may be available at the national, regional, or local levels. Arts councils or cultural affairs departments often administer these funds.
  2. Private Foundations: Numerous private foundations are dedicated to supporting the arts. These foundations may have specific areas of focus, such as contemporary art, classical music, or community arts initiatives.
  3. Corporate Sponsorships: Some businesses and corporations sponsor art projects, exhibitions, or cultural events as part of their corporate social responsibility initiatives or to enhance their brand image.
  4. Nonprofit Organisations: Arts-focused nonprofits and cultural organisations may offer grants, fellowships, or other forms of financial support to artists and art projects.
  5. Crowdfunding: Online crowdfunding platforms allow artists to raise funds directly from the public. Platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Patreon enable artists to showcase their work and gather support from a broad audience.
  6. Art Residencies and Fellowships: Some organisations and institutions offer artist residencies or fellowships that include financial support, studio space, and other resources for a specific period.
  7. Individual Donors: Private individuals who are passionate about the arts may contribute to art projects or provide financial support to individual artists.
  8. Arts Endowments: Endowments are funds set up to provide ongoing support for the arts. Individuals, organisations, or governments may establish them.
  9. Grassroots and Community Initiatives: Local community groups or organisations may organise fundraisers, events, or campaigns to support art projects within their community.
  10. Cultural and Arts Festivals: Some festivals allocate funds to support artists and cultural projects. Participation in these festivals may provide exposure and financial support.

Artists and organisations seeking funding should carefully research each potential source, understand the eligibility criteria, and tailor their proposals accordingly. Additionally, networking within the arts community and staying informed about grant opportunities can be valuable in securing funding for artistic endeavours.

Manufacturing Funding

With abundant natural resources and a growing workforce, Africa poses a significant potential for manufacturing. Can strategic funding fuel this engine of economic growth?

Funding for manufacturing projects in Africa can be obtained from various organisations, both public and private. Here are some notable sources that provide support for manufacturing initiatives:

  1. African Development Bank (AfDB): AfDB supports industrialisation and manufacturing projects as part of its commitment to promoting economic development across the continent.
  2. African Fertiliser and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP): AFAP focuses on promoting agricultural inputs, including fertilisers. They support projects that contribute to agribusiness development and manufacturing.
  3. Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) – South Africa: IDC provides funding for industrial projects and manufacturing initiatives in South Africa, supporting economic growth and job creation.
  4. ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID): EBID provides financial assistance to support economic development projects, including manufacturing, within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
  5. Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA): DBSA finances projects that contribute to economic development, including manufacturing and industrial initiatives in Southern Africa.
  6. African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank): Afreximbank provides financial support for projects that promote trade and industrialisation across the African continent.
  7. UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organization: UNIDO works to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development. They collaborate with governments and organisations to support manufacturing projects.
  8. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Business Council: COMESA supports industrialisation and trade facilitation within the region. They may provide funding and resources for manufacturing projects.
  9. Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB): TDB provides financial and technical assistance for projects that contribute to economic development, including manufacturing, in Eastern and Southern Africa.
  10. African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD): AUDA-NEPAD collaborates with partners to implement projects that support industrialisation and economic development across Africa.
  11. Other organisations include the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank, and the African Union Commission. Additionally, there are private-sector organisations, such as the African Venture Capital Association (AVCA), that provide support and resources to promote manufacturing investments in Africa.

Renewable Energy Funding

In a continent blessed with abundant sunlight and wind, renewable energy presents a sustainable solution to power shortages. How can funding catalyse green energy initiatives? Several funds and organisations support renewable energy projects in Africa. However, it’s crucial to note that funding opportunities may evolve, and new initiatives may arise. Here are some well-known funds and programs:

  1. African Renewable Energy Fund (AREF): AREF is a dedicated fund that focuses on renewable energy projects across Africa. It supports a range of technologies, including wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal.
  2. Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP): REPP invests in small to medium-sized renewable energy projects in sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on increasing access to clean energy.
  3. African Development Bank’s (AfDB) Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA): SEFA provides support for small and medium-sized renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Africa.
  4. Green Climate Fund (GCF): While not exclusively focused on Africa, GCF finances climate-related projects globally, including renewable energy initiatives in African countries.
  5. Power Africa: Power Africa is a U.S. government-led initiative that works with various partners to increase access to electricity in Africa. It supports renewable energy projects among other initiatives.
  6. Global Environment Facility (GEF): GEF provides grants and concessional funding for projects that address global environmental issues, including renewable energy projects in Africa.
  7. Energy and Environment Partnership (EEP) Africa: EEP Africa provides early-stage financing for innovative clean energy projects in Southern and East Africa.

It’s essential to research each fund’s specific criteria, application process, and eligibility requirements, as they may vary. Additionally, new funds and programs may have emerged since my last update, so it’s advisable to check the latest information from reliable sources or the respective fund’s official website.

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Business Incubators In East Africa 

Several business incubators operate in East Africa, supporting startups and entrepreneurs across various industries. Please note that the status and availability of business incubators may change over time, so it’s advisable to verify the current information. Here are some notable business incubators in East Africa:

  1. iHub (Nairobi, Kenya): iHub is a well-known innovation hub and business incubator in Nairobi, Kenya. It provides co-working space, mentorship, and support to tech startups.
  2. Nailab (Nairobi, Kenya): Nailab is an innovation space and accelerator in Nairobi that supports early-stage startups through mentorship, training, and access to funding.
  3. C4DLab (Nairobi, Kenya): Based at the University of Nairobi, C4DLab is a centre for digital innovation and incubation. It supports technology-driven startups.
  4. GrowthAfrica (Nairobi, Kenya): An acceleration program and incubator that provides mentorship, training, and investment readiness support to startups in East Africa.
  5. Buni Hub (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania): Buni Hub in Tanzania offers co-working facilities, mentorship, and support to startups and entrepreneurs.
  6. Kinu (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania): Kinu is a social innovation hub that supports startups and entrepreneurs working on social impact projects.
  7. LakeHub (Kisumu, Kenya): LakeHub is an innovation hub in Kisumu. It provides support and resources to startups, with a focus on technology and social impact.
  8. The Innovation Village (Kampala, Uganda): This is an Innovation Village hub and startup incubator that supports entrepreneurs through mentorship, training, and networking.
  9. Outbox (Kampala, Uganda): Outbox is a Ugandan incubator and co-working space that supports startups in the technology and innovation space.
  10. BongoHive (Lusaka, Zambia): BongoHive is a notable innovation and entrepreneurship hub in Lusaka, Zambia, supporting startups and tech entrepreneurs.

Additionally, governments, universities, and private organisations in East Africa may also run incubation programs to support local entrepreneurship.


Business Incubators In North Africa – Coming Soon  

North Africa has seen growth in its startup ecosystem. Various incubators and innovation hubs are contributing to the development of entrepreneurship in the region. Here are some notable incubators in North Africa:

  1. Flat6Labs (Cairo, Egypt): Flat6Labs is a regional startup accelerator that operates in several countries, including Egypt. It provides seed funding, mentorship, and training to early-stage startups across different industries.
  2. ICE Cairo (Cairo, Egypt): The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (ICE) at the American University in Cairo supports startups and entrepreneurs. It offers an incubation program that includes mentorship, training, and access to resources.
  3. Techne Summit (Alexandria, Egypt): While not a traditional incubator, Techne Summit is an annual technology and innovation conference in Alexandria. It provides a platform for startups to showcase their ideas, connect with investors, and participate in workshops.
  4. The Greek Campus (Cairo, Egypt): The Greek Campus is a co-working space and entrepreneurial hub in Cairo that supports startups. It provides workspace, networking opportunities, and access to events and training programs.
  5. Endeavor Morocco (Casablanca, Morocco): Endeavor is a global organization that supports high-impact entrepreneurs. Endeavor Morocco works to support and mentor entrepreneurs in Morocco.
  6. CEEK VR (Tunis, Tunisia): CEEK VR is a virtual reality company that also provides support for startups and entrepreneurs in Tunisia. It offers mentorship, investment opportunities, and access to its network.
  7. Groupe ISCAE Incubator (Casablanca, Morocco): The incubator at the International School of Business and Management (Groupe ISCAE) in Casablanca supports student startups. It provides resources, mentorship, and training.
  8. Tunisian Startups (Tunis, Tunisia): Tunisian Startups is a community-driven platform that supports the startup ecosystem in Tunisia. It facilitates networking, events, and resources for entrepreneurs.
  9. Alex Angels (Alexandria, Egypt): Alex Angels is an angel investment network in Alexandria that supports early-stage startups. It provides funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
  10. Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (Moroccan CISE) (Rabat, Morocco): Moroccan CISE supports social entrepreneurs and startups working on innovative solutions to social challenges. It provides mentorship, training, and networking opportunities.

Entrepreneurs in North Africa are encouraged to explore these incubators, attend relevant events and conferences, and engage with the local startup community to tap into the resources and support available for their ventures. Additionally, the startup ecosystem is dynamic, and new initiatives may have emerged since my last update.

Business Incubators In West Africa – Coming Soon  

West Africa is home to several dynamic incubators and innovation hubs that play a crucial role in supporting startups, fostering entrepreneurship, and driving innovation. Here are some notable incubators in West Africa:

  1. MEST Africa (Accra, Ghana): MEST (Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology) operates in Accra and offers a fully sponsored one-year training program for aspiring tech entrepreneurs. It also provides seed funding and mentorship to startups.
  2. CcHub (Lagos, Nigeria): The Co-Creation Hub, or CcHub, is a well-known innovation hub in Lagos. It provides co-working space, funding, mentorship, and support to startups in various sectors, including technology and social innovation.
  3. Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) (Lagos, Nigeria): The Tony Elumelu Foundation runs an entrepreneurship program that supports startups across Africa. It provides training, mentorship, and seed funding to selected entrepreneurs.
  4. Wennovation Hub (Lagos, Nigeria): Wennovation Hub is an innovation accelerator that supports startups and entrepreneurs in Nigeria. It focuses on sectors such as agriculture, health, and technology.
  5. GEN Nigeria (Various Locations): GEN Nigeria, part of the Global Entrepreneurship Network, supports entrepreneurs and startups across the country. It provides resources, mentorship, and opportunities for networking and collaboration.
  6. iDEA Hub (Lagos, Nigeria): Information Technology Developers Entrepreneurship Accelerator (iDEA) Hub focuses on supporting tech-driven startups. It provides mentorship, training, and access to resources.
  7. The African Fintech Foundry (Lagos, Nigeria): The African Fintech Foundry is an initiative of Access Bank and supports fintech startups. It offers funding, mentorship, and resources to entrepreneurs in the financial technology sector.
  8. Seme City (Seme, Benin): Seme City is an innovation hub located in Seme, Benin. It provides support for startups and entrepreneurs, emphasizing the use of technology for social impact.
  9. GIZ Innovation Lab (Accra, Ghana): The GIZ Innovation Lab in Accra focuses on fostering innovation for sustainable development. It supports startups and entrepreneurs working on solutions that address social and environmental challenges.
  10. StartHub Africa (Freetown, Sierra Leone): StartHub Africa is an incubator and co-working space in Freetown that supports startups and entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone. It provides training, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

These incubators play a vital role in nurturing the growth of startups in West Africa by providing them with the necessary resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities. Entrepreneurs in the region can explore these hubs to kickstart their ventures and contribute to the vibrant startup ecosystem in West Africa.

Business Incubators In Central Africa – Coming Soon  

Central Africa is still emerging as a hub for entrepreneurship, and the startup ecosystem is developing. While there may not be as many well-established incubators as in other regions, there are initiatives and organizations working to support startups and innovation in Central Africa. Here are some potential avenues for support:

  1. ActivSpaces (Buea, Cameroon): ActivSpaces is a tech hub and startup incubator that provides support for tech-driven ventures. It offers co-working spaces, mentorship, training, and networking opportunities.
  2. AfriLabs (Various Countries): AfriLabs is a pan-African network of technology and innovation hubs, and some of its member hubs may be active in Central Africa. AfriLabs provides support for startups through networking, training, and collaboration.
  3. CEMAC Innovation and Technology Cluster (Central African Economic and Monetary Community): CEMAC aims to foster innovation and technology in Central Africa. While it may not be an incubator per se, it is involved in promoting initiatives to support innovation in the region.
  4. VC4Africa (Various Countries): VC4Africa is an online platform connecting entrepreneurs and investors. Entrepreneurs in Central Africa can use this platform to showcase their startups and connect with potential investors.
  5. Orange Digital Center (Cameroon): Orange Digital Center in Cameroon supports tech entrepreneurs and startups. It provides training, mentorship, and resources to help entrepreneurs develop their projects.
  6. La Fabrique (Gabon): La Fabrique is a creative hub that supports entrepreneurs in the creative and cultural industries. It provides workspace, training, and networking opportunities.
  7. African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS): While not a traditional incubator, ACTS is an organization involved in research and policy advocacy related to technology and innovation in Africa.
  8. University-Based Initiatives: Some universities in Central Africa may have entrepreneurship and innovation centres or programs that support students and startups. These initiatives may offer incubation services.

Business Incubators In South Africa – Coming Soon  

South Africa has a vibrant startup ecosystem with several incubators and accelerators supporting entrepreneurs across various industries. Here are some notable incubators in South Africa:

  1. Silicon Cape (Cape Town, Western Cape): A nonprofit organization that supports and promotes the technology and innovation ecosystem. While not a traditional incubator, it plays a significant role in connecting and fostering collaboration among startups, investors, and industry players.
  2. 88 Business Collective (Johannesburg, Gauteng): 88 Business Collective is an innovation hub and business accelerator that supports startups in Johannesburg. It provides a range of services, including mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to funding.
  3. Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct (Johannesburg, Gauteng): Tshimologong is a digital innovation precinct located in Johannesburg. It serves as a hub for digital entrepreneurs and provides programs such as accelerators and incubators..
  4. Workshop17 (Various Locations): Workshop17 operates co-working spaces and innovation hubs in multiple locations across South Africa, like Cape Town and Johannesburg. While not strictly an incubator, it provides an environment conducive to collaboration and innovation.
  5. LaunchLab (Stellenbosch, Western Cape): LaunchLab, based at Stellenbosch University, supports startups and entrepreneurs through its business incubation programs. It offers mentorship, funding opportunities, and access to a network of industry experts.
  6. Catalyst Innovation Lab (Durban, KwaZulu-Natal): Catalyst is an innovation lab and incubator based in Durban. It supports startups and entrepreneurs in the tech and innovation space, offering resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
  7. The Innovation Hub (Pretoria, Gauteng): The Innovation Hub in Pretoria is a science and technology park that supports innovation and entrepreneurship. It provides facilities, incubation programs, and access to funding for startups.
  8. Founders Factory Africa (Johannesburg, Gauteng): Founders Factory Africa is a corporate-backed venture development company that partners with corporates to build and scale startups in Africa. It provides support, funding, and access to corporate partners.
  9. Sw7 (Various Locations): Sw7 is a startup incubator and ecosystem enabler with a presence in different South African cities. It supports early-stage tech startups through mentorship, funding, and connections.
  10. TechInBraam (Johannesburg, Gauteng): TechInBraam is an innovation hub in Johannesburg that supports startups and entrepreneurs in the tech industry. It provides co-working space, mentorship, and networking opportunities.


As African entrepreneurs, the journey to realising your vision may be fraught with challenges. Yet, remember that every great dream begins with a dreamer. Potential investors, both local and global, are recognising the continent’s untapped potential. Therefore, dare to dream, dare to innovate, and most importantly, dare to seek the funding or help that could make all the difference. The future of Africa is being written now. Are you ready to be a part of this narrative?

Staying updated about funding opportunities is key for entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses. We will provide quarterly updates on these opportunities, ensuring you don’t miss out on your chance to secure investment.


  • Annabel Onyando

    The goal is impactful articles. If my words touch you; Africans of all creed and colour all over the world, and help you grow, then my work is done. Because media changes lives

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