Unlike other forms of creativity, human ability and creativity are limited to a person in what they can do, their unique offering. You can enhance talent through coaching and training but the creative ability is unique to that person. Whoever Picasso mentored is not Picasso 2 they are their own person. There can’t be two Picassos, two Gandhis, or Marys. This is why dead men’s’ art becomes invaluable when they die. They can never be replicated. If they are they are fakes.
Time is the other resource impossible to replicate, save, or produce more of. Once spent it is gone – forever. You cannot save it as such. With the money, you can save it or cut costs to make up for lost money but with time – you cannot save it. Probably a machine can increase productivity but again if it goes down the time is still gone.
I believe this is the reason many people attach lots of value to offspring. Through them, you can have another chance to correct mistakes and make better use of time. The only problem is your offspring also have limited time to fulfill their purpose and cannot live out your life (time) for you in their life. The best they can do is carry on your work if you lived your life purposefully. That is made use of your time and human creativity. The Bible does say a man leaves an inheritance for his children and his children’s children. This can be dough or a source of it for several generations.
Individuals who have lived their purpose never find the need to force their children to go a certain way, but look forward to helping them discover their own purpose.
As I write this I remember my brother who died years back. He died young. On the night after we had buried him and everyone had gone away. His wife and children talked about the life they had had with him. When they finally slept no one was crying but all were satisfied with who he had been for them. Time not wasted but well spent.
When people disrespect one’s time and talent it is a disregard for their life. When they deny individuals an opportunity to improve through coaching, honest feedback, it is disrespectful. This is why narcissists are especially bad for the human race. They sack life out of others’ lives by disrespecting both resources. A lot of people we admire knowingly or unknowingly impact lives. Add value to others’ journeys by giving hope and as a result, the people they impact are able to do things in their own lives that only they can – they live their purpose.
The opposite is people who we do not admire. In normal situations, they are behind bars. However, it is often the type that lives among us that cause the largest damage in society. They act nice so presumably, they have no issues and are ‘pleasant’ to be around but in the long run, add no value to any encounter.
Avoid being such a person, or hanging with such people. Murder is not just stubbing a person. It is taking these two resources away – knowingly or unknowingly. Ever heard of killing the spirit or walking dead? – nothing left to stir one to be creative or fulfill any purpose resulting in a wasted life. Purpose/ hope is what drives humanity. When that is taken away the person is as good as dead. They just don’t see how; time is short (or a drudge)and there seems to be no reason to keep going. People do this in many small ways, killing others every day without realizing what they are dong. The graveside is a very rich place, not just because people failed to fulfill their dreams but because many alive are ‘buriers’ – Burying dreams and hope before it’s birthed or stubbing it in its infancy.
Add value by not being part of wasting other’s time or your own. Contribute to others’ purposes it does not take anything away from you but adds immense value to your own journey. Not doing this simply means you have lots of corpses around you that live in harmony in the graveyard of your life: you all go nowhere everyone in their own perfect (resting) place and you the Undertaker until someone breaks away.
Breakaway from such associations