Topics covered include challenges with diet, relationships, memory, starting over, faith, and overcoming them. While broad, broad, the book does not delve too deeply on specific treatments or diet but gives ample information for you to go ahead and explore solutions that may work for you.
The stories are awe-inspiring and proof that human beings can excel in the most adverse and difficult situations.
The book covers real stories of men and women from 50 different countries. One thing one can appreciate is that the issues facing people wherever they are in the world whether economically or health-wise are very similar.
Often we go through life hardly noticing the years rolling by and then ‘Wham!’ one day we are confronted with our own mortality. This may be through the laughter lines in the mirror, the death of someone, a sudden inability to do something we love to, or a comment on social media.
The reality that we are no longer youthful and our beauty, like all of nature, has begun to fade affects people physically, emotionally, and even psychologically. We evaluate our lives – we may or may not be pleased with our accomplishments but one thing nature grants us all is a new day to start over – young or old. These new perspectives and experiences are the focus of this health book and not just the knowledge.
Young or old, eating healthy and including exercise in your daily routine promotes healthy aging. But that is not enough for overall wellness. Our wellness is influenced by other factors beyond food and physical activity. Our social life and continued feeling of worthiness play an integral part in our health whether or not we participate in economic activities.
The book is part of a series on Wellness. The series explores the 9 stages of the human life cycle and addresses some common issues that we deal with in the 8 dimensions of wellness and discuss possible solutions through a healthy diet, supplements, and alternative interventions.
Given that there is so much we can learn from older people, the series starts with the last stage of the life cycle – everyone at this stage needs help and all human beings are headed here. Understanding what happens in this stage also helps us deal with older people in the family who we need to attend to and may not really understand because they look perfectly fine to us. We will then work our way down to pregnancy and pre-pregnancy.
The Aging Process
In the different stages of our development, our bodies will demand different amounts of nutrition. It is important to ensure we have the necessary nutrients to not only help us through the stages of aging but also to repair and re-synthesize cells after illness, accidents so that we are restored to our optimum.
9 Stages Of The Human Life Cycle
There are 9 major stages in our life cycles. They are defined as shown below:
Pregnancy: this is the development of a fetus from the egg and spam to a zygote into an embryo in preparation for childbirth.
Infancy: this refers to birth to age one.
Toddler years: these are ages two and three. This is the end of early childhood.
Childhood: this takes place from ages four to eight.
Puberty. Is the period from age nine to thirteen. It is the beginning of adolescence.
Older adolescence: this is the stage that takes place between ages fourteen and eighteen.
Adulthood: Is between adolescence to the end of life. It begins at age nineteen.
Middle age: this is age thirty-one to fifty. Currently includes Part of Generation X
Senior years or old age: fifty years old and above are called the seniors. The phase starts at fifty-one to the end of life.
The 8 Dimensions of Wellness
Having appreciated each stage of human growth, wellness/quality of life of an individual is highly dependent on the 8 dimensions of wellness.
Physical Dimension
This refers to your physical body. It is never too early or late to start taking care of your health so your body serves you well today and in the future. Though there are no guarantees, if you start early your chances of living long and not getting ill of age-related illnesses improve. If you start late, the chances of increasing the years you have been increased.
Intellectual Dimension
If we grow intellectually we keep our mind healthy. We do this by maintaining curiosity, valuing lifelong learning, and responding to intellectual challenges. All these help in maintaining a positive attitude towards life.
Expanding knowledge and skills while discovering the potential for sharing your gifts with others keeps your mind healthy and outlook towards yourself, others, and life positive.
Emotional Dimension
This is understanding and respecting others’ and your feelings, values, and attitudes. You get to manage your emotions in a constructive way. This results in one feeling positive and enthusiastic about life without being discouraged by others’ accomplishments.
Social Dimension
The social dimension focuses on maintaining healthy relationships. This involves caring and letting others care about you. Developing healthy friendships and intimate relations and maintaining them.
Spiritual Dimension
This does not necessarily involve belonging to religion though often it does. This is finding purpose, value, and meaning in your life with or without organized religion. This results in acting in a way that is consistent with your beliefs and values.
Vocational Dimension
Satisfying work gives personal satisfaction and life enrichment. These should be consistent with your values, goals, and lifestyle. It means contributing our gifts, skills, and talents to work that is personally meaningful and rewarding for us and others.
Refers to managing resources so we are able to take care of our current and future financial needs. Make informed financial decisions, and make both short-term and long-term needs investments emergencies.
Be aware that everyone’s financial values, needs, and circumstances are unique.
Environmental Dimension
This means understanding how social, natural, and built environments affect our health and well-being. Being aware of the unstable state of the earth and the effects of our daily habits on the physical environment and as a result, demonstrating our commitment to a healthy planet through our actions and habits
For successful aging, it is crucial that all the 8 dimensions are taken care of throughout the different stages of an individual.