

The Republic of Tunisia is an Arab-speaking North African country in the Maghreb region. In the recent past, the country was famous for the ‘Arab Spring’; however, it is well-known as a tourist and filming destination.

Key Lessons From Tunisia

Tunisia’s recent history, for instance the Arab Spring and post-revolutionary period, offers several valuable lessons for the world. These lessons touch upon democracy, governance, and social change. Here are some key takeaways from Tunisia’s journey:

  1. Peaceful Transition: Tunisia demonstrated that a country can undergo a significant political transition in a relatively peaceful manner. Despite challenges, the country avoided extreme violence and prolonged conflict in other Arab Spring nations.
  2. National Dialogue: The success of the National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia showed the importance of inclusive, multi-stakeholder dialogues in resolving political crises. This approach brought civil society, labour unions, business organizations, and political parties together. They found common ground to negotiate a peaceful transition without losing lives in the Arab Spring.
  3. Civil Society’s Role: Civil society organizations were critical in Tunisia’s transition. They helped monitor elections, provided checks and balances to the government, and champion democratic reforms.
  4. Gradualism and Compromise: Tunisia’s transition demonstrated that gradualism and compromise can effectively manage change. The country pursued a step-by-step approach to constitution-building and democratization, allowing broad input.
  5. Constitutional Framework: The new constitution Tunisians adopted in 2014 is one of the most progressive in the Arab world. It enshrines human rights, gender equality, and democratic principles. These highlight the importance of a solid constitutional framework for democracy.
  6. Women’s Rights: Tunisia has a strong tradition of women’s rights, and its post-revolutionary period further advanced gender equality. Lessons from Tunisia show that preserving and advancing women’s rights is essential for sustainable development and democracy.
  7. Youth Engagement: Young people largely drove The Arab Spring. Tunisia’s experience underscores the importance of engaging youth in the political process, as they can be a force for change and innovation.
  8. Economic Reforms: Tunisia’s political transition has led to economic issues, such as high unemployment and economic disparities. These challenges highlight the importance of addressing economic issues alongside political reforms but also means the revolution did not address the real cause of the Arab Spring. 
  9. International Support: Diplomatic, financial, and international support played a crucial role in helping Tunisia’s transition. The global community can provide assistance and encouragement to countries undergoing political change.
  10. Resilience: Tunisia’s experience shows the resilience of civil society and the population. Despite setbacks and challenges, the country’s citizens have committed to democratic values and reforms.
  11. Continued Challenges: Tunisia’s journey has challenges, such as political polarization, economic struggles, and security concerns. These challenges emphasize the need for long-term commitment to democratic consolidation and inclusive governance.
  12. Regional Context: Tunisia’s experience is also a reminder of the complexities of the Middle East and North Africa region. Political changes in one country can have spillover effects on neighbours. Consequently, regional leaders should consider this and be involved in any political transition.

Tunisia’s path to democracy is a work in progress. I also serves as an essential case study for those interested in the dynamics of political change, democracy-building, and social transformation. It underscores the idea that political transitions are complex and often require time, inclusivity, and perseverance.

Where is Tunisia?

Its geographical coordinates are approximately between 30° and 37° North latitude and 7° and 12° East longitude. To the North, Tunisia is on the northernmost tip of the African continent, along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Its coastline stretches about 1,148 kilometres (713 miles) along the Mediterranean. Its Mediterranean Neighbors are the islands of Sicily (Italy) and the islands of Malta. To the West, Tunisia shares its western border with Algeria. The border between Tunisia and Algeria is approximately 459 kilometres (285 miles) long. To the East, Tunisia shares its border with Libya. The border with Libya is also approximately 459 kilometres (285 miles) long. The Southern Region extends into the Sahara Desert and shares a border with Algeria to the south.

Her strategic location along the Mediterranean coast has historically made it an essential hub for trade and cultural exchange between Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. This geographical position has also significantly influenced Tunisia’s history and culture.

Tunisia’s Brief History

The history of Tunisia is rich and diverse, shaped by various civilizations and historical events.

Ancient Tunisia:

Phoenician settlers founded Carthage, one of Tunisia’s most significant ancient cities, in the 9th century BC. It became a powerful Mediterranean trading empire and rival to Rome. The Punic Wars, a series of conflicts between Rome and Carthage, eventually destroyed ancient Carthage in 146 BC.

After the fall of Carthage, Tunisia became part of the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire. The region prospered under Roman rule, and Tunisia has well-preserved Roman ruins today. When the Roman Empire declined, Tunisia came under the control of the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century AD. During this time, the region’s Christian community grew.

Introduction of Islam and Arab Rule in Tunisia

In the 7th century, Arab Muslim forces led by Uqba ibn Nafi conquered the region, bringing Islam to Tuni sia and marking the beginning of Arab influence. Following this, during the medieval period, various Islamic dynasties ruled inclusive of the Umayyads, Abbasids, Aghlabids, and Fatimids. The city of Kairouan became a centre of Islamic learning and culture.

The Ottoman Empire took control of Tunisia in the 16th century. Tunisia remained an Ottoman province for several centuries. The Husainid dynasty, a local ruling family, served as the regents of the Ottomans in Tunisia.

French Rule In Tunisia and Its Independence

Tunisia came under French colonial rule in the late 19th century. It became a French protectorate in 1881 and remained under French control until gaining independence.

Tunisia achieved independence from France on March 20, 1956, making it the first country in the Maghreb region to gain independence. Habib Bourguiba, a prominent leader, became the country’s first president.

Post-Independence Era:

Tunisia’s history is a crossroads of civilizations, with influences from Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Berbers, and others. 

After independence, Tunisia pursued a policy of modernization and development. Furthermore, it established a republic and adopted a progressive legal framework, inclusive of women’s rights.

The country has made significant strides in political and social reforms but also faces economic and political challenges as it continues on its path to democracy and development.

The Arab Spring:

In December 2010, Tunisia was the starting point of the Arab Spring uprisings. The Arab Spring refers to a series of pro-democracy uprisings, protests, and demonstrations swept through the Arab world during 2010 and 2011. These uprisings led to significant political, social, and economic changes in many countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. 

The Arab Spring was a momentous period of upheaval and transformation, and its impact varied from one country to another. Mass protests and unrest led to the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in January 2011. This event marked a significant turning point in the country’s modern history.

Following the revolution, Tunisia embarked on a path toward democracy. It adopted a new constitution in 2014 and held democratic elections, making it one of the few success stories of the Arab Spring.

Causes Of The Arab Spring In Tunisia

Long-standing political, social, and economic issues, including authoritarian rule, political repression, corruption, economic inequality, and high youth unemployment, triggered the Arab Spring in Tunisia.

Mohamed Bouazizi, a street vendor, set himself on fire in protest against government corruption and police harassment. Protests erupted, and President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled the country in January 2011.

Read about other countries that participated in the Arab Spring here

Impact of The Arab Spring

While the Arab Spring brought about significant change, it also brought instability and challenges to the region. Some countries, like Syria, experienced ongoing violence and conflict.

The region had economic repercussions directly linked to the Arab Spring for a period, affecting tourism, foreign investments, and trade.

In some countries, the Arab Spring resulted in political reforms, such as a new constitutions and elections. For example, Tunisia adopted a new democratic constitution and held free elections, leading to a peaceful transition of power.

The Arab Spring has had far-reaching regional consequences, including shifts in alliances, the rise of extremist groups, and political instability in some countries.

The legacy of the Arab Spring continues to influence politics and society in the Middle East and North Africa. It highlighted the aspirations for democracy, human rights, and social justice but also demonstrated the complexities and challenges of political transitions.

The outcomes of the Arab Spring were diverse, with some countries experiencing a transition to more democratic systems while others faced ongoing conflict or a return to authoritarianism. It remains a complex and evolving chapter in the modern history of the Middle East and North Africa.

Tunisia Film Industry

The Tunisian film industry has a rich history and has made significant contributions to the world of cinema. Tunisia’s location at the crossroads of different cultures and its diverse landscapes have made it a popular destination for filmmakers. 

Historical Significance

Tunisia has historical significance in the world of cinema. In 1969, the country gained international recognition as a filming location for the iconic science fiction film “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.” The desert landscapes near Tataouine represent the planet Tatooine in the film.

National Film Institute

The National Film and Image Institute (INAT) in Tunis is a crucial institution supporting the Tunisian film industry. It offers film education and training, archival services, and production support.

Tunisia’s Film Festivals  

Tunisia hosts several film festivals, such as the Carthage Film Festival (Journées cinématographiques de Carthage). It one of Africa’s most prestigious film festivals in the Arab world. It showcases both Tunisian and international films.

Film Production

Tunisia has a growing film production sector, with local filmmakers producing a range of films, including feature films, documentaries, and shorts. Notable Tunisian directors include Nouri Bouzid and Abdellatif Kechiche.

  1. Collaborations: The country’s diverse locations, such as urban settings, coastal areas, and desert landscapes, make it an attractive location for filmmakers. Therefore Tunisian film industry often collaborates with international film productions.
  2. Cinematheques: Tunisia has established cinematheques in various cities, such as Tunis and Sidi Bou Said, to preserve and showcase classic and contemporary films.
  3. Government Support: The Tunisian government provides support and incentives for film production, as well as financial support for local filmmakers and funding opportunities for foreign co-productions.
  4. Film Festivals: Besides the Carthage Film Festival, Tunisia hosts other film festivals, such as the International Festival of Tozeur, which focuses on Arab and African cinema. The International Festival of Kélibia, which highlights Mediterranean and Arab cinema.
  5. Talent Development: Tunisia has a growing talent pool in various aspects of film production, consequently theres a need for directors, actors, cinematographers, and other technical crew members.
  6. Film Education: Several film schools and institutions in Tunisia also offer education and training in film production. Thus, contributing to the development of the industry.
  7. Content Diversity: Tunisian cinema explores various themes, from social and political issues to cultural and historical narratives. This diversity is in the films produced in the country.

While the Tunisian film industry may not be as well-known as the industries in some other countries, it has significantly impacted the region and has a promising future. The country’s rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and talented filmmakers continue to attract attention from local and international audiences and filmmakers.

Movies shot in Tunisia 

Tunisia has diverse landscapes, historical sites, and unique architecture therefore, it is a popular location for filmmakers. Some notable movies shot in Tunisia include:

  1. Star Wars: A New Hope (1977): Several original Star Wars film scenes shot in the Tunisian desert. The iconic scenes featuring Luke Skywalker’s home planet of Tatooine are around Matmata, Tataouine, and Tozeur.
  2. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981): Parts of this classic adventure film shot in Kairouan and the nearby desert. The “Well of the Souls” scene in the ancient city of Kairouan.
  3. The English Patient (1996): This epic romance-drama in various locations, such as the Chott el Jerid salt flat and the ruins of Ksar Ouled Soltane in southern Tunisia.
  4. The Kite Runner (2007): Some scenes in this film, based on Khaled Hosseini’s novel, shot in Tunisia. The country served as a stand-in for Afghanistan in the movie.
  5. Raiders of the Sun (1992): This post-apocalyptic action film filmed in various locations in Tunisia, using its desert landscapes and unique settings.
  6. The Phantom Menace (1999): The first prequel of the Star Wars series also used Tunisian locations, such as Matmata and Tataouine, to depict scenes on the planet Tatooine.
  7. Life on a String (1991): This Chinese film, directed by Chen Kaige, used the desert landscapes of Tunisia as a backdrop for its storytelling.
  8. Black Gold (2011): Some scenes of this historical drama, set in the Arabian Peninsula, shot in Tunisia, particularly around Tozeur.
  9. The English Wife (1989): This romantic drama starring Tushka Bergen and Aden Young partially filmed in the coastal town of Sidi Bou Said, known for its distinctive blue and white architecture.

These are just a few examples of the many films that have used Tunisia as a filming location. The country’s diverse landscapes, ancient ruins, and unique architecture have made it an attractive destination for filmmakers.

Key Tourist Destinations In Tunisia

Tunisia offers a variety of tourist destinations that cater to different interests. From historical sites to beautiful beaches and natural landscapes. Tunisia’s diverse attractions make it an excellent destination for history enthusiasts, beach lovers, adventure seekers, and those interested in experiencing the beauty of the North African landscape. Tunisia is typically dry for most of the year with a scorching and arid climate with very little rainfall—a hot desert climate with sweltering summers and mild winters. Visitors should prepare for the climate, especially during the summer months.

Here are some key tourist destinations in Tunisia:


Tunisia’s capital city is a great starting point for exploring the country. Tunis is in the northern part of the country along the Mediterranean coast. It is not only the political and administrative centre of Tunisia but also a significant cultural and economic hub. Its coastal location and hilly terrain characterize the city.

The historic Medina of Tunis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is famous for its winding alleys, markets, and architectural gems. Beyond the ancient Medina, Tunis has a modern city centre with wide boulevards, government buildings, and contemporary amenities. The city has evolved into a vibrant and cosmopolitan urban centre.

Tunis has a rich history. It was a Phoenician settlement and later became the city of Carthage. It was a centre of Arab-Muslim culture and commerce in the Middle Ages.

The Medina features a labyrinthine network of narrow streets, ancient buildings, and historic mosques. The Zitouna Mosque, one of the city’s prominent landmarks, is here. Other cultural sites and museums include the Bardo National Museum, which houses an extensive collection of Roman mosaics and artefacts.

The city offers various culinary experiences, with restaurants serving traditional Tunisian dishes such as couscous, tajine, and various seafood options.

Tunis is the capital of Tunisia so plays a crucial role in the country’s political, cultural, and economic life. It uniquely blends ancient history and modern urban living, making it a captivating travel destination and a significant centre for residents.


Explore the ancient ruins of Carthage, once the capital of a powerful Mediterranean empire. It was one of the ancient world’s most powerful and influential cities and pivotal in Mediterranean history. 

Phoenician settlers founded the city from the city of Tyre in the 9th century BC, establishing a trading post that quickly became a powerful city-state.

Carthage is most famous for its conflicts with the Roman Republic, known as the Punic Wars. The three Punic Wars (264-146 BC) were a series of battles between Carthage and Rome for control of the western Mediterranean. The most famous Carthaginian general was Hannibal. He is known for his daring crossing of the Alps to attack Rome during the Second Punic War.

Carthage was a major trading centre and controlled important trade routes across the Mediterranean. It was known for its wealth, economic prowess, and maritime solid and mercantile tradition. At its height, the Carthaginian Empire included territory in North Africa, parts of Spain, and islands in the Mediterranean, such as Sicily and Sardinia. Therefore, today, the ruins of Carthage, namely the ancient harbour, residential areas, and Roman monuments, are an extensive archaeological site. They are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The modern suburb of Tunis, Carthage, is on or near the original site of the ancient city. So, it is home to several historical sites. Case in point, the Carthage National Museum and the Tophet, associated with Carthaginian religious practices.

Carthage’s legacy continues to captivate historians and archaeologists. Its story is a testament to the complex interplay of civilizations in the ancient Mediterranean world.

Sidi Bou Said

This coastal town has distinctive blue and white architecture. Sidi Bou Said is a picturesque coastal town in northern Tunisia, just a few miles northeast of Tunis. It offers stunning views of the Mediterranean, art galleries, and a charming atmosphere. The town gets its name after a 13th-century pious Sufi saint, Sidi Bou Said. His mausoleum is one of the town’s critical religious sites.

Cafes, art galleries, and boutiques dot the town. Visitors can stroll through the cobbled streets, stop for coffee or mint tea in one of the many cafes, while exploring local arts and crafts. One of the most famous landmarks in Sidi Bou Said is the Café des Nattes, known for its blue and white decor and its views of the Mediterranean. It’s a great place to relax and take in the surroundings.

The town’s lighthouse, the Phare de Sidi Bou Said, offers panoramic views of the town and the sea so it’s an excellent spot for taking photos and enjoying the scenery.

The town hosts an annual festival called the “Sidi Bou Said Blue and White Festival,” which celebrates its distinctive colour scheme with art exhibitions, music, and cultural events.

Sidi Bou Said has a picturesque marina where visitors can see yachts and boats. It’s a pleasant area to walk and enjoy the sea breeze.

Sidi Bou Said’s combination of historical charm, artistic ambience, and stunning coastal views makes it a unique and enchanting destination for tourists and locals. The “Blue and White Jewel of Tunisia” is a must-visit for those exploring the country.

Medina of Kairouan

The Medina of Kairouan is a historic district located in the city of Kairouan, Tunisia. Kairouan is one of the country’s most essential and revered cities, known for its historical, cultural, and religious significance. Here are some

Key Facts About The Medina Of Kairouan
  1. UNESCO World Heritage Site: The Medina of Kairouan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historical and architectural importance.
  2. Islamic Holy City: Kairouan is one of Islam’s most sacred cities and is the “Fourth Holiest City in Islam.” It holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims due to its historical mosques and religious significance.
  3. Great Mosque of Kairouan: The centrepiece of the Medina is the Great Mosque of Kairouan (Mosque of Uqba), one of the oldest and most important mosques in the Islamic world. The masterpiece of Islamic architecture built in the 7th century features a prominent minaret and a large courtyard.
  4. Historical Significance: Kairouan has a rich history dating back to the early days of Islamic expansion. It played a crucial role in the spread of Islam across North Africa and into Spain. The city was a centre of religious scholarship and trade.
  5. Medina’s Architecture: The Medina of Kairouan has traditional Islamic architecture, with narrow winding streets, whitewashed buildings, and decorative elements that reflect the town’s historical and cultural heritage.
  6. Zaouia of Sidi Sahab: Besides the Great Mosque, the Medina also features the Zaouia of Sidi Sahab, a mausoleum and mosque dedicated to Abu Zama al-Balawi, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. It’s a revered pilgrimage site for Muslims.
  7. Local Souks: The Medina has a bustling market area (souks). Here visitors can purchase a wide range of products, such as textiles, ceramics, jewellery, spices, and traditional crafts.
  8. Kairouan Carpets: Kairouan is famous for its high-quality carpets. The Medina is a great place to shop for these traditional handwoven textiles.
  9. Festivals: The city hosts several annual festivals and cultural events, which may include religious and traditional celebrations.
  10. Religious Pilgrimage: Kairouan remains an important pilgrimage site for Muslims because it attracts visitors from around the world. Holy sites like the Great Mosque are here.

Kairouan and its Medina are important not only for their historical and cultural importance but also for their role in the spiritual life of Muslims. The city has a well-preserved architectural and cultural heritage that makes it a captivating destination for travellers interested in Islamic history and culture.

El Djem In Northern Tunisia

El Djem, also spelt El Jem. It is famous for the impressive Roman amphitheatre, one of the world’s most well-preserved and largest Roman amphitheatres. Here are some key facts and details about El Djem:

  1. Roman Amphitheater: The most famous attraction in El Djem is its Roman amphitheatre, which is often comparable to the Colosseum in Rome. The amphitheatre is officially the Amphitheatre of Thysdrus and built in the 3rd century AD during the Roman Empire. It could hold up to 35,000 spectators.
  2. Historical Significance: The amphitheatre was for gladiator contests and chariot races, similar to other Roman amphitheatres. It is a remarkable example of Roman engineering and architecture.
  3. Well-Preserved: El Djem’s arena’s walls and arches are still largely intact, giving visitors a sense of the grandeur of Roman entertainment venues.
  4. UNESCO World Heritage Site: The Amphitheatre of El Djem is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as an essential historical and cultural monument.
  5. Film Location: The amphitheatre is a filming location for several movies, such as scenes from the Academy Award-winning film “Gladiator.”
  6. Local Museum: The town of El Djem also has a local museum that features archaeological artefacts, mosaics, and historical items from the region, providing visitors with further insights into its history.
  7. Modern Town: While the Roman amphitheatre is the main draw for tourists, El Djem is a modern town with local shops, restaurants, and accommodations for visitors.
  8. Location: El Djem is in the Sahel region of Tunisia, near the Mediterranean coast. It is near the city of Sfax which is one of Tunisia’s largest cities.
  9. Festivals: El Djem hosts cultural events and festivals, musical and artistic performances as well as events related to its Roman heritage.

El Djem’s Roman amphitheatre is a testament to the lasting legacy of Roman civilisation in Tunisia. It is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts as well as anyone interested in ancient architecture and the grandeur of the Roman Empire.

Tozeur Southwest Tunisia

Tozeur is a picturesque oasis town near the border with Algeria. It has stunning desert landscapes, palm groves, and traditional architecture. Here are some key facts and details about Tozeur:

  1. Geography: Tozeur is in the Sahara Desert and is part of the Tozeur Governorate. It is famous for its oasis, which includes lush palm groves and agricultural areas.
  2. Oasis: The oasis of Tozeur is one of the largest in Tunisia and so it serves as an essential source of agricultural and horticultural products. It has thousands of date palm trees, which provide the region with its famous Deglet Nour dates.
  3. Traditional Architecture: Tozeur is famous for its traditional and distinctive architecture. Many houses are built with mudbrick and have decorative patterns on the walls because the earthy materials help with temperature control in the desert environment.
  4. Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions: Tozeur is home to the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions, which showcases the local culture, crafts, and traditions of the region. Visitors can learn about the history and lifestyle of the oasis’s inhabitants.
  5. Chott el Jerid: Nearby, Chott el Jerid is a large salt flat offering a unique and surreal landscape. It is an important stopover for travellers heading into the Sahara Desert.
  6. Saharan Adventures: Tozeur is a popular starting point for desert adventures, including camel treks, dune bashing, and off-road excursions. The town is also known for its Star Wars connections because the nearby Ksar Ouled Soltane served as a location in the Star Wars films.
  7. Local Cuisine: The local cuisine in Tozeur features traditional North African and Tunisian dishes, often showcasing the region’s agricultural products. Dishes with dates, couscous, and various local ingredients are common.
  8. Festivals: The town hosts various cultural and music festivals through the year, celebrating traditional music and arts.
  9. Mides: Mides is a nearby village known for its stunning canyon and natural springs so, it’s a popular spot for hiking and enjoying the region’s natural beauty.

Tozeur is a unique and charming destination known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage. Its location in the Sahara Desert and its proximity to other desert attractions make it a popular stop for travellers exploring the region.

Douz Southern Tunisia

Douz is near the border with Algeria. It is often called the “Gateway to the Sahara” due to its proximity to the vast Sahara Desert. Douz is known for its desert landscapes, adventure tourism, and traditional culture. Here are some key facts and details about Douz:

  1. Geography: Douz is situated in the Kebili Governorate in southern Tunisia, and it’s part of the region known as the Saharan Oasis. Dunes and palm groves surround the town.
  2. Sahara Desert: Douz is a popular starting point for exploring the Sahara Desert. The town’s location provides easy access to the desert, making it a hub for desert excursions, camel treks, and dune bashing.
  3. International Festival of the Sahara: Douz is famous for its International Festival of the Sahara, an annual event that celebrates Saharan culture, music, and traditions. The festival features camel races, poetry, traditional music, and desert-related activities.
  4. Ksar Ouled Soltane: This nearby historic site is known for its ancient granaries, a unique example of North African architecture. Ksar Ouled Soltane has also served as a filming location for the Star Wars movies.
  5. Local Cuisine: The town offers traditional Tunisian and Saharan cuisine, with dishes such as couscous, tajine, and camel meat. Dates and other local products are also common ingredients.
  6. Date Palms and Agriculture: Douz is surrounded by date palm plantations, and so is integral to the local economy. The date harvest season is an important time in the town.
  7. Adventure Tourism: Douz is a hub for adventure tourism. Visitors can engage in activities such as camel trekking, sandboarding, quad biking, and 4×4 desert tours to explore the stunning desert landscapes.
  8. Museums and Cultural Sites: Visitors can learn about Saharan history, traditions, and daily life because the town has several museums and cultural centre.
  9. Douz Date Festival: The town hosts an annual Douz Date Festival, celebrating the local date industry with various events, including date-picking competitions and exhibitions.

Douz’s position as the “Gateway to the Sahara” makes it an ideal starting point for exploring the unique desert landscapes of southern Tunisia. It is a destination that offers adventure, cultural experiences, and a taste of life in the desert oases.


Matmata is a small town in southern Tunisia, known for its unique underground dwellings, originally carved into the soft rock of the region. Here are some key facts and details about Matmata:

  1. Troglodyte Dwellings: Matmata is famous for its troglodyte dwellings, underground or cave-like homes. These structures were created by hollowing out the soft rock of the area to form rooms and courtyards because the architecture is designed to provide insulation from the region’s extreme desert climate, with cooler temperatures in the summer and warmer temperatures in the winter.
  2. Hotel Sidi Driss: The most famous troglodyte dwelling in Matmata is the Hotel Sidi Driss. This hotel was a filming location in the original Star Wars film, “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.” It served as the interior of Luke Skywalker’s home on Tatooine.
  3. Berber Culture: Matmata is home to Berber communities. The troglodyte homes reflect traditional Berber architecture so visitors can learn about the culture and lifestyle of the local Berber inhabitants.
  4. Museum: The area also has a troglodyte museum that showcases the history and culture of Matmata and its unique underground homes.
  5. Ksar Ouled Soltane: While not in Matmata, Ksar Ouled Soltane is another nearby village famous for its granaries and traditional architecture. Like Matmata, it is also a filming location for the Star Wars movies.
  6. Tunisian Dates: The region around Matmata is famous for its date palm plantations because the town is a centre for date farming and the production of local products.
  7. Local Cuisine: Visitors can enjoy traditional Tunisian and Berber cuisine in Matmata. Dishes often include couscous, tajine, and other North African specialities.

Matmata’s troglodyte dwellings are a unique and intriguing aspect of Tunisia’s cultural heritage. The town’s connection to the Star Wars films has also made it a destination for franchise fans. It’s where traditional architecture and modern pop culture converge, making it a captivating location to explore.


Hammamet is a beautiful coastal town in northeastern Tunisia, along the southern tip of the Cap Bon peninsula. It is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations, known for its beaches, Mediterranean charm, and historical sites. Here are some key facts and details about Hammamet:

  1. Beaches: Hammamet has long sandy beaches bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The beaches are a significant draw for locals and tourists, offering sunbathing, swimming, and water sports opportunities.
  2. Medina of Hammamet: The town features a well-preserved ancient medina with whitewashed buildings, narrow winding streets, and a traditional atmosphere. The Medina is home to shops, restaurants, and craft stalls where visitors can purchase souvenirs and local products.
  3. Kasbah of Hammamet: The Kasbah is a 13th-century fortress located in the Medina. It offers panoramic views of the town and the sea and is a popular spot for historical tours and architecture.
  4. Cultural Events: Hammamet hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year. They include music festivals and art exhibitions. The International Festival of Hammamet is a notable event that attracts artists and performers worldwide.
  5. Hotels and Resorts: The town offers a range of hotels and resorts catering to different budgets and preferences. Many of these establishments provide stunning views of the Mediterranean and excellent amenities.
  6. Golf: Hammamet is a golfing destination with several golf courses that cater to enthusiasts.
  7. Local Cuisine: The town offers a variety of restaurants and eateries serving local Tunisian dishes and international cuisine. Seafood is a speciality in the coastal region.
  8. Medina Fortifications: Besides the Kasbah, the Medina of Hammamet has walls and gates, providing a glimpse into the town’s history as a trading post and defence against maritime threats.
  9. Amusement Parks: Carthageland is an amusement park in Hammamet offering family entertainment options, including rides and attractions.
  10. Marina: The modern marina in Hammamet is a hub for boating and yachting enthusiasts. It features a range of services, shops, and restaurants.
  11. Shopping: Hammamet offers shopping opportunities in both the Medina and the modern part of town. Visitors can find traditional crafts, textiles, and souvenirs.

Hammamet’s combination of history, natural beauty, cultural experiences, and modern amenities makes it a sought-after destination for tourists looking to explore the charm of Tunisia’s Mediterranean coast.


Djerba is an island off the eastern coast of Tunisia in the Mediterranean Sea. It is Tunisia’s largest island and a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, historical sites, and unique culture. Here are some key facts and details about Djerba:

  1. Geography: Djerba is situated in the Gulf of Gabès and is connected to the mainland by a causeway. Therefore the island features a varied landscape, including sandy beaches, date palm groves, and picturesque villages.
  2. Historical Significance: Djerba is steeped in history and is often referred to as the “Island of the Lotophagi” in ancient texts. Various civilizations, including the Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, and Ottomans, have influenced it. The island’s rich history is reflected in its architecture and cultural heritage.
  3. Ghriba Synagogue: The El Ghriba Synagogue in Djerba is one of the oldest synagogues in the world and so is a significant pilgrimage site for Jewish visitors. It has been a centre of Jewish life and culture on the island for centuries.
  4. Traditional Berber Villages: Djerba is home to several picturesque Berber villages where visitors can experience local traditions and architecture. Houmt Souk, the island’s main town, has vibrant souks (markets) and historical architecture.
  5. Beaches: Djerba offers numerous sandy beaches along its coastline. The beaches are famous for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports.
  6. Island of Dreams: Djerba the “Island of Dreams” has a serene and idyllic atmosphere, making it a popular honeymoon and relaxation destination.
  7. Bazaars and Souks: Djerba’s markets and bazaars offer a wide range of products, from local crafts to traditional textiles, jewellery, and spices.
  8. Golf: The island has several golf courses, making it a destination for enthusiasts.
  9. Local Cuisine: Djerba is famous for its culinary delights, including fresh seafood, couscous dishes, and traditional Tunisian cuisine. The island’s cuisine is a unique blend of Mediterranean and North African flavours.
  10. Film Location: Djerba is a popular choice for filmmakers for movies and TV series. It has a unique and captivating visual appeal.

Djerba’s combination of historical sites, natural beauty, and unique culture makes it a captivating destination for travellers looking to experience the rich tapestry of Tunisia’s Mediterranean coast. Djerba has something to offer whether you’re interested in history, relaxation, or exploration.

Bizerte North Tunisia

Bizerte, also known as Bizerta, is a coastal city in the northernmost part of Tunisia. It is on the Mediterranean Sea and has a rich history and beautiful beaches, so, has a strategic position in the region. Here are some key facts and details about Bizerte:

  1. Geography: Bizerte is located on the Mediterranean coast and is known for its natural harbour, one of the best-protected and most prominent in the Mediterranean region.
  2. Historical Significance: The city has a long history, dating back to Phoenician and Roman times. It was a key port during various historical periods and was a strategic location for trade and military purposes.
  3. Kasbah: The city’s old town, or Kasbah, features narrow streets, historic buildings, and a traditional atmosphere. Visitors can explore the Kasbah, which includes the 17th-century Mosque of Sidi El Hani.
  4. Bordj El Kebir: This historic fortress is on a hill overlooking the city and the Mediterranean Sea. It has served various purposes throughout history, including as a military stronghold.
  5. Beaches: Bizerte has beautiful beaches, including Plage des Grottes and Plage Cap Angela; thus, it is a popular destination for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports.
  6. Ain Mlila Lake: Located near Bizerte, this lake is famous for birdwatching and outdoor activities. It is a protected area with a diverse ecosystem.
  7. Great Mosque of Bizerte: This historic mosque is one of the city’s important landmarks because of its impressive architecture and religious significance.
  8. Marina: Bizerte has a modern marina that caters to boating and yachting enthusiasts. It offers various amenities and services for visitors arriving by sea.
  9. Local Cuisine: The city’s restaurants and eateries offer a range of culinary delights, including fresh seafood, local Tunisian dishes, and Mediterranean cuisine.
  10. Festivals and Events: Bizerte hosts various cultural and music festivals annually, celebrating local and international artists and traditions.
  11. Climate: Bizerte experiences a Mediterranean climate with mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers.
  12. Economy: The city’s economy is diverse, with activities such as fishing, agriculture, and industry playing significant roles. The port remains an important commercial and trade hub.

Bizerte’s mix of history, natural beauty, and strategic significance has made it a unique and attractive destination for travellers exploring the northern coast of Tunisia so visit Bizerte for history, relaxation and culture.

Chott el Jerid

Chott el Jerid, or Chott el Djerid, is a large salt flat or seasonal lake in southern Tunisia. It is one of the most notable chotts (salt flats) in North Africa because it covers a vast expanse of land. Here are some key facts and details about Chott el Jerid:

  1. Geography: Chott el Jerid is located in the Saharan region of southern Tunisia, primarily in the Tozeur Governorate. It is part of the Sahara Desert and extends approximately 5,000 square kilometres.
  2. Formation: The chott is a shallow, salt-encrusted depression that forms during the wet season. Rainwater collects in the low-lying areas, resulting in the temporary formation of a salt lake. During the dry season, the water evaporates, leaving a salt crust.
  3. Salt Flats: Chott el Jerid’s surface has a layer of white salt crust. It can be challenging to navigate for travellers due to its mirage-like appearance and the risk of becoming stuck in the mud-like salt.
  4. Stark Landscape: The chott’s stark and surreal landscape is captivating, especially during the transition between wet and dry seasons. It offers unique and dramatic vistas of the desert.
  5. Saharan Wildlife: Chott el Jerid attracts various species of migratory birds, including flamingos, which feed on the organisms living in the salt flats during the wet season. The chott also supports some desert-adapted plant life.
  6. Roadway Crossing: A roadway known as the “Chott el Jerid Crossing” traverses the salt flat, connecting the towns of Tozeur and Nefta. It is therefore an iconic route that takes travellers across the dramatic landscape.
  7. Saharan Excursions: Chott el Jerid is a popular stopover for travellers travelling to the Sahara Desert. It marks the transition from the oasis towns like Tozeur to the desert’s vast dunes.
  8. Sunset Views: The salt flat offers stunning sunset views over the salt-encrusted surface, therefore it is a popular spot for photography and desert exploration.
  9. Star Wars Filming Location: Chott el Jerid, with its unique landscape, was a filming location for scenes in the original Star Wars film, “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.”

Chott el Jerid is a striking natural feature in southern Tunisia, known for its surreal beauty and importance as a gateway to the Sahara Desert. Travellers come to the area because of its unique landscape, photography opportunities, and the experience of passing through a vast salt flat on their way to the desert’s sandy dunes.


Tataouine is located in southern Tunisia, near the border with Libya. It has unique architecture, stunning desert landscapes, and so has an association with the Star Wars film franchise. Here are some key facts and details about Tataouine:

  1. Architecture: Tataouine is famous for its distinctive architecture, which includes underground troglodyte dwellings and fortified granaries. These structures provide shelter from the extreme desert climate.
  2. Ksar Ouled Soltane: Ksar Ouled Soltane, located near Tataouine, is one of the most iconic granaries in the region. It has multiple storage rooms, protecting valuable grains from theft and the harsh environment.
  3. Star Wars Connection: Tataouine and its surroundings are filming locations for the Star Wars movies, contributing to its popularity among Star Wars fans. “Tataouine” is similar to “Tatooine,” the fictional desert planet in the Star Wars universe.
  4. Mosques and Mausoleums: Tataouine has several historical mosques and mausoleums that showcase the city’s cultural and religious heritage.
  5. Tataouine Festival: The city hosts the Tataouine Festival, which celebrates traditional music, dance, and crafts so it is an opportunity to experience the local culture.
  6. Desert Landscapes: The region surrounding Tataouine features stunning desert landscapes, including dunes and rocky outcrops. Consequently, the landscapes make it a popular destination for desert excursions, camel treks, and adventure tourism.
  7. Local Crafts: Visitors can purchase traditional crafts, textiles, and products in Tataouine’s markets and shops.
  8. Date Palms and Agriculture: The region is famous for its date palm plantations because date farming is an integral part of the economy.
  9. Cuisine: Tataouine offers traditional Tunisian cuisine, including couscous, tajine dishes, and local specialities influenced by North African and Mediterranean culinary traditions.

Tataouine’s unique architecture, desert landscapes, and connection to the Star Wars world have therefore made it an intriguing destination for travellers and movie enthusiasts. It thus provides a captivating glimpse into the culture and history of the southern Tunisian region.

Medenine South Tunisia

Medenine has historical significance and unique architectural structures. It has a rich cultural heritage. Here are some key facts and details about Medenine:

  1. Ksour (Ksars): Medenine is famous for its ksour, which is a traditional fortified granary and dwelling. These distinctive mud-brick structures have a honeycomb-like appearance that protects grain and other valuables from theft and the harsh desert environment so Ksars are an essential part of the region’s heritage.
  2. Ksar Ouled Soltane: Ksar Ouled Soltane, located near Medenine, is one of the most well-known ksars in the area. Its multiple levels of storage rooms characterize it, showcasing the ingenuity of traditional Berber architecture. Ksar Ouled Soltane was a filming location, including in the Star Wars movies.
  3. Ksar Hallouf: Another notable ksar in the region, Ksar Hallouf, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It features an intricate network of underground chambers, and its architecture reflects the local Berber culture.
  4. Cultural Heritage: The region surrounding Medenine is home to a mix of cultural influences through music, dance, and traditional crafts that include Berber, Arab, and Mediterranean traditions.
  5. El Ghorfa: El Ghorfa is a traditional guesthouse in Medenine that allows visitors to experience the local way of life and architecture so it offers a unique opportunity to stay in a restored ksar.
  6. Medenine Gate: The Medenine Gate, or Bab El Khadra, is a historical entrance to the town and is part of the old city walls.
  7. Local Cuisine: Medenine offers traditional Tunisian and North African cuisine, featuring dishes such as couscous and tajine and local specialities influenced by the region’s culinary traditions.
  8. Tourism and Desert Excursions: Medenine serves as a gateway for desert excursions, so it offers camel treks and tours of the Sahara Desert. Visitors can explore the vast desert landscapes characteristic of the region.
  9. Date Palms and Agriculture: Date farming is a substantial part of the local economy, and the region is famous for its date palm plantations.

Medenine’s ksars, unique architecture, and cultural heritage make it an intriguing destination for travellers interested in history, architecture, and traditional culture. The town and its surroundings provide a glimpse into southern Tunisia’s distinctive way of life.

Chott el Gharsa

Chott el Gharsa, or Chott el Gharbi or Chott el Jerid West, is a seasonal salt flat or large endorheic (closed) lake in southwestern Tunisia. It is part of a group of chotts, or salt flats, in the region, which includes Chott el Jerid, Chott el Fedjaj, and others. Here are some key facts and details about Chott el Gharsa:

  1. Geography: Chott el Gharsa is in the Tozeur Governorate in the southwestern part of Tunisia and is part of the broader Chott el Jerid basin.
  2. Formation: Like other regional chotts, Chott el Gharsa forms during the wet season when rainwater collects in low-lying depressions. During the dry season, the water evaporates, leaving a layer of salt and other minerals.
  3. Saharan Environment: The chott is part of the larger Saharan environment. It has arid and desert conditions, a climate, and extreme temperatures, especially in the summer.
  4. Landscape: The chott’s landscape has vast salt flats, which often appear dry and cracked during the dry season. It provides a stark and surreal vista that is both challenging and captivating.
  5. Wildlife: During the wet season, the chott may attract migratory birds and other wildlife due to the temporary presence of water and potential food sources. It’s a significant stopover for some bird species on their migration routes.
  6. Adventure Tourism: Chott el Gharsa and the surrounding desert landscapes make the area a popular destination for adventure tourism, such as desert treks, camel excursions, and dune bashing.
  7. Film Location: Like other chotts in the region, Chott el Gharsa has a unique and dramatic appearance and so has been a filming location for various movies and TV series.
  8. Chott el Jerid Crossing: The chott features a road known as the “Chott el Jerid Crossing,” which connects the towns of Tozeur and Nefta. This route offers a memorable journey across the salt flats.
  9. Local Communities: The nearby oases, towns, and villages, such as Tozeur and Nefta, are influenced by the presence of the chott, so these communities often rely on the oasis agriculture for their livelihood.

Chott el Gharsa is part of the unique and captivating desert landscapes in southwestern Tunisia, offering a glimpse into the stark beauty and challenges of the Sahara Desert. It allows travellers to experience salt flats’ mesmerizing and sometimes otherworldly qualities in a desert environment.

Tunisian Cuisine

Tunisian cuisine is a flavorful and diverse culinary tradition that reflects the country’s history, geography, and the influences of various cultures. It features various ingredients, spices, and dishes, focusing on fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Here are some critical elements of Tunisian cuisine:

  1. Olive Oil: Olive oil is a staple in Tunisian cuisine and is used in virtually every dish. Tunisia is one of the world’s top producers of high-quality olive oil.
  2. Bread: Various types of bread are commonly consumed in Tunisia, for example, the round flatbread “khobz.” Baguettes and other wheat-based breads are also popular.
  3. Couscous: Couscous is a fundamental component of many Tunisian meals. Enjoy it with stews, vegetables, and meats with various spices.
  4. Spices: Tunisian cuisine is famous for its bold and aromatic spices. Commonly used spices include cumin, coriander, caraway, paprika, chilli, and harissa, a spicy chilli paste. These spices add layers of flavour to dishes.
  5. Tagines: These are slow-cooked stews prepared with meats (such as lamb or chicken), vegetables, and aromatic spices. They are often made in unique clay pots.
  6. Seafood: Tunisia’s coastal location means that seafood is a significant part of its cuisine. Fish, squid, and shrimp are often in Tunisian dishes, particularly in coastal regions.
  7. Harissa: Harissa is a fiery chilli paste with dried red chillies, garlic, olive oil, and various spices. It’s a staple condiment that adds heat and flavour to many dishes.
  8. Brik: This is a popular Tunisian snack that is a thin pastry filled with egg, tuna, capers, and parsley that is deep-fried until crispy.
  9. Mechoui: Mechoui is a popular North African dish, and in Tunisia, it typically consists of a whole roasted lamb or goat seasoned with herbs and spices.
  10. Merguez: Grilled sausages made from ground lamb or beef with spices, often served with couscous.
  11. Tajine: Tunisian tajine, similar to Moroccan tajine, is a slow-cooked stew with meat, vegetables, and spices so the dish has a rich, flavourful sauce.
  12. Sweets: Tunisian sweets and pastries are a delightful part of the cuisine. Maamoul (date-filled cookies), baklava, and qalb el louz (almond semolina cake) are just a few examples.
  13. Mint Tea: Mint tea is a popular beverage in Tunisia, usually served sweet and infused with fresh mint leaves.
  14. Fruits: Tunisia’s climate allows the cultivation of various fruits, such as dates, figs, oranges, and pomegranates, that Tunisians often serve fresh as desserts or snacks.
  15. Salads: Tunisian salads often feature tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, olives, and herbs. The grilled version is the Tunisian salad, “slate mechanic”.

Tunisian cuisine offers a rich and diverse culinary experience as has a unique blend of flavours and fresh, local ingredients, making it a delightful experience for food enthusiasts and travellers looking to explore the country’s gastronomic culture.

Investment Opportunities In Tunisia

Tunisia offers a range of investment opportunities in various sectors. The government has been improving the investment climate and attracting foreign investors. Here are some critical areas of investment opportunities in Tunisia:

  1. Tourism: Tunisia’s beautiful Mediterranean coastline, historical sites, and desert landscapes offer significant opportunities in the tourism sector. Investments in hotels, resorts, ecotourism, and cultural tourism are all viable options.
  2. Agriculture: Tunisia has a robust agricultural sector, with opportunities in olive oil production, date farming, and other high-value crops. There are also possibilities for agribusiness, including food processing and exports.
  3. Manufacturing: Tunisia has a growing manufacturing sector, particularly in textiles and clothing, automotive components, and electronics. Foreign investors can use Tunisia’s skilled workforce and a strategic export location.
  4. Renewable Energy: The Tunisian government actively promotes renewable energy projects, such as wind, solar, and biomass. These investments can help meet growing energy demands and reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels.
  5. ICT (Information and Communication Technology): The ICT sector in Tunisia is expanding rapidly because there are opportunities in software development, IT services, and call centres.
  6. Real Estate: The market is growing, particularly in urban areas. Opportunities exist in residential and commercial developments and real estate management services.
  7. Healthcare: Tunisia’s healthcare sector is well-regarded in the region; however, there are opportunities for investments in hospitals, clinics, medical equipment, and health tourism.
  8. Education and Training: There is a demand for quality education and vocational training services. Investments in private schools, universities, and training centres are viable.
  9. Financial Services: Tunisia’s financial sector is developing, with potential in banking, insurance, and microfinance. Fintech startups and financial services are also growing.
  10. Mining and Natural Resources: Tunisia has mineral resources such as phosphate, salt, and other minerals. Investment opportunities exist in the mining and mineral processing industries.
  11. Transport and Logistics: Tunisia’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East makes it an ideal hub for logistics and transportation, so investment in ports, logistics, and transport infrastructure is encouraged.
  12. Startup Ecosystem: Tunisia has a growing startup ecosystem, so investments in tech startups and entrepreneurship are becoming more common. This includes venture capital, incubators, and accelerators.
  13. Private Equity and Investment Funds: Investment funds and private equity firms focused on the North African region can find opportunities to invest in various sectors.
  14. Infrastructure: Investments in infrastructure development, such as roads, bridges, and public transportation, can support economic growth and development.

Conducting thorough market research and due diligence when considering investments in Tunisia is essential. Additionally, it’s advisable to consult with local business advisors, legal experts, and financial consultants to navigate the local regulatory environment and ensure compliance with Tunisian laws and regulations.


  • Annabel Onyando

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