6 Things To Help You Keep Sane

So much is going on all around us and lock downs now enforced in a number of major cities in the world. It is hard to underestimate the effects the new corona virus will have on humanity but its some of its effects even for those not ill are already being seen. We are depressed, stressed, afraid, and frustrated by our situation.

Our old routines may no longer be feasible. To keep sane during this time we need to establish a new normal. Things that we do now that we will continue doing even after this pandemic is behind us. Below are a few things you can do to establish new habits that you can carry on to this new season of life.

Establish a Schedule

Staying at home for many people often means waking up late and basically being lazy until they get back to work. In a situation where one cannot determine how long the lockdown it going to take, not having a daily schedule may lead to irresponsibility or even a sense of insecurity, anxiety, and even depression. If you have children it is important that a structured schedule is established and children are given responsibilities. These can be put on your fridge door on a paper of you can use a schedule board that can double up as a learning board if you are also homeschooling.

Establish a schedule quickly ensures you have something to look forward to and even to plan. Filling your (and other family members) schedule may seem incredulous initially but soon enough you will find things that can be done and should be done. Pick something from some of the ideas below.

A simple diary or your phone can ensure you keep the schedule and do not drop some important activities.


Hitting the gym and social interaction is fun but, it comes with an exchange of body fluids that may not be a healthy option today. Circumstances may not change in the future given that there are new viruses coming up every day.

There is a wide range of effective exercises on YouTube where you do not need any equipment or affordable equipment that you can use.

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The circumstances of the lockdown do not make for good cheer. However, laughing ensures you take your mind off the most stressful things happening around you, take in more oxygen and produce endorphins to keep you cheerful. Whether you are watching good movies or having fun with the rest of the family, laughter should definitely be part of what you do each day.

Start Something New

Something new always comes with a sense of excitement and a looking forward to moving to the next level. It is a given that we are not likely to go back to the way we used to be. There may be new ways to interact and with new knowledge, after this experience, it simply makes sense that behaviors considered risky have increased.
Whether you choose to be innovative and build something new, learn a new language or read a new book, there are numerous ways to capitalize on the lockdown and do something different. You could also start that project you have been thinking about but have not had the time to.

Get In Touch; Video Call /Chat

Physically alone does not mean out of touch in this digital age. Talk to someone daily, it is good for your own sanity and that of others in the family. There are many free options to make video calls and taking advantage of this ensures you are not in the dark on what is happening with family and friends.

Stay Clean and Dress-up

Spending your day in pajamas on a single weekend can be a good break during your normal schedule. However, when you spend unending days and weeks at home dressing up to work from home not only gives you a sense of purpose but gives you an opportunity to test looks you would not have tried during under other circumstances. Not showering or dressing up can make you feel bleak, depressed and generally lower your moods let alone lead to an environment that is not comfortable for the rest of the family.

Not keeping clean, results in unnecessary squabbles. If you think this is an exaggeration, take note that statistics are showing an increase in divorce cases both in China and the US. Interviewed individuals say they can not stand how filthy and insensitive their partner is. This may probably be the straw that breaks the mules back however you do not want to find out!

Let me know your thoughts on what you are doing to keep sane during your lock down wherever you are.

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  • Annabel Onyando

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