Couple of Days

Issues in Couple of Days are those that often face couples and individuals. I think the purpose of the movie was rally to market the venue rather than really tell a story.
As with many of scripts that are not well thought through, it assumes men are one-track minded which discounts many questions one would ask and comprises the quality of the script.
Overall a good watch for a movie night.
However we at least get to see the Agodi Park Gate if nothing else. The movie is OK.

Watch Couple Of Days Trailer

The Story

Three couples are having different issues in their relationships, some real some assumed. These eventually affect their friendship network when a kiss unravels everything that has been kept secret for years. There is not much of a script as the issues are repeated and depicted in many scenes in different ways.
I like the end of the movie, I think it is the most original and unexpected angle to the whole story. I am definitely looking forward to part two but I wonder if it will ever come now that 4 years are past.
Themes covered include fidelity,  mental health and love.

The Actors

The actors do a great job and while the script hardly has anything in it, they make the story convincing and in many ways. My favorite was Jude and his wife Cynthia acted by Enyinna Nwigwe and Lillian Esoro. Both great actors, their chemistry was just about right given the back story and even when they did not speak they carried the story line pretty well.
The Cast of Couple of days 
Ademola Adedoyin – Lanre
Adesua Etomi – Nina
Anyadike Unoaku – Tina
Enyinna Nwigwe – Jude
Florin Falana (Falz) – Odewale (Gateman)
Jennifer N. Onwuegbu – Girl in the hotel
Kiki Omeili – Joke
Lilian Esoro – Cynthia
Okey Uzoeshi – Dan
Olayode Juliana – Judith

Technical Construction

There was really nothing outstanding with the technical construction. I do like the camera movement at the end of the movie – really peaks ones’ curiosity and does make one anxious about what is going to happen.
The music is good though in some cases choice could have been better.


I definitely look forward to the sequel, I felt this was just a foundation for better things. The director brought everything well together to deliver more than the script and keep us  anxious for more. I bet those last pieces were additions to the initial work.


I give this .a 7/10 it was good but not as good as I would have expected from this talented team.
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