How to Avoid Office Gossip

It’s all too easy to get caught up in tittle-tattle at the office, but exercising professionalism and distance won’t cost you a dime. Whether you had a run-in with the office drama queen or heard rumours of Kevin from management’s recent snafu with his secretary, a colleague’s business must is the subject of discussion. While office politics might promote networking and communication, its downside outweighs its perceived advantages. Here are some ways you can avoid office gossip.

Avoid Busybodies

Office gossip is common during breaks throughout the day. You can avoid office gossip by redirecting your attention anytime you notice co-workers gossiping. Use this opportunity to meet your boss over a future project proposal or end your lunch break early. Additionally, try to refocus your attention elsewhere to remain focused and productive.

Differentiate the Professional and Personal

Avoid spreading false information and rumours by sifting what you share with your co-workers. Set boundaries between your life’s personal and professional aspects to work efficiently. Examples of work-appropriate conversations you can use to avoid gossip include:

  • Your progress on a recent company assignment
  • Pitches for future projects
  • A new work-efficient tool you’re learning to use
  • The weather, news topics, or traffic conditions
  • Questions about upcoming meetings

Such topics are excellent for banter without gossiping. If these conversations suddenly change into gossip, try to change the subject. Alternatively, you can step away.

Exercise Transparency

Always be honest about your feelings and goals. If you seek some personal discussions with a colleague, try to do it in an open space, away from the “walls.” Remember that the professional area can be competitive. Hence, transparency about your intentions with your counterparts goes a long way in avoiding gossip.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

When you’re at work, be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to what’s happening around you. You may want to take phone calls away from your desk, in other rooms, or outside if possible so that other people don’t overhear your conversations. Similarly, avoid taking sensitive documents home if they contain information that other people should not access.

Ignore Office Gossip

A study by American psychologist Gary Brase found that gossiping about other people activates the same pleasure centres in our brains as eating chocolate. An interesting factoid for anyone trying to avoid the habit! When you hear gossip, it’s best to either ignore it or address it directly with the person doing the talking. Avoid getting caught up in office gossip because it can destroy morale and make you look bad to management.

Appreciate Different Personalities.

One of the big reasons why there is a lot of office gossip is due to clashes in personality traits among employees. For example, if you have two workers who like things done their way and aren’t willing to compromise, then there will probably be some problems down the road. You need to appreciate each other’s differences and show tolerance to diversity in the workplace. 

Well, there you have it, folks. Use these tips to avoid confrontation and unhealthy competition at the office. Remember, one of the easiest ways to keep your mouth, ears, and reputation clean is keeping gossip out of them. Avoiding gossip in the workplace is the best decision you’ll ever make!     
