The Sun Exchange – Bringing Clean Energy To Every African

the sun exchange

Solar energy is acknowledged as one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly energy sources. However, many countries still insist on utility companies that power them using inefficient hydroelectric or environmentally hazardous fossil energy; companies like The Sun Exchange seek to rectify that.

The Sun Exchange is a South African company that Abraham Cambridge and Larry Temlock founded in 2015 to bring the world closer to the sun. This article is a Sun Exchange review covering all you need to know about this company. 

Sun Exchange Review – all about?

Abraham Cambridge, one of the co-founders of this company, understands the effects of climate change due to his studies in Climate Change Science. Thus, he also concluded that the world needed to move from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources. 

With six years of solar panel installation experience from the UK, Abraham moved down to South Africa for more work. Arriving at one of the sunniest places on Earth, it puzzled him that South Africans were not taking advantage of solar energy. Further research allowed him to conclude that many businesses want to utilise solar energy but can’t afford it. 

As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, Abraham understands that technology makes it easier and cheaper to move money around the world. Thus, he came up with the idea of a peer-to-peer solar cell leasing system. 

Sun Exchange is a platform that allows people to own solar power cells and lease them to interested business owners worldwide. A company partner then takes care of the installation and maintenance of that solar panel.

How does The Sun Exchange work

The first thing this company does is to identify and liaise with these organisations and businesses that desire solar-powered energy. After which, the company’s solar engineers will meet up with the local solar construction companies in the area to broker a suitable solution for that business. However, all solar projects have to meet the criteria of being technically and economically viable and environmentally friendly. 

After doing all these, The Sun Exchange creates a Crowdsale to power that project. A Crowdsale is an online event where interested individuals get to invest in a new digital asset. 

A blockchain plays the host for this online event. Thus, all interested individuals use cryptocurrency to make their investments. One of the significant advantages of a Crowdsale is that it has no distance limitations and is also foolproof since it runs on a smart contract on the blockchain. 

During the Crowdsale, interested individuals can purchase a couple of solar cells as their investment or even start with one solar cell. After selling out all the required solar cells for that project, the Crowdsale ends, and the solar project begins. 

The company’s construction partners install these solar cells in a suitable location for businesses. This construction process can take four to six weeks or longer if the project is significant. 

This leases these solar panels out to those interested businesses for 20 years. 

How To Join The Sun Exchange

Now that you’ve read about what this company is doing, do you want to join them in orchestrating a greener future while earning from it? If you wish to do so, you can follow the instructions below:

  • The first thing you should do is visit their official website and sign up there.
  • Before becoming a full-fledged member of this company, you’ll need to verify your identity. The company uses this compulsory identity verification process to comply with the international Know Your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering (KYC/AML) regulations. 
  • Afterwards, you can sign in to your account and head to the projects page.
  • On the projects, you’ll be able to see any Crowdsale projects that are still open. This could be a solar project to power a school, a business, a farm, or conservation park.
  • Afterwards, you can connect your credit card, cryptocurrency address, or bank account with The Sun Exchange account and invest in your desired Crowdsale project.
  • After you have invested in a desired Crowdsale project, you can use the dashboard in your account to monitor your solar panels. With the dashboard, you can get frequent updates on the status of your project, monitor your monthly earnings from the project, and find out how much carbon your project offsets, alongside the amount of clean energy the project generates. 

Benefits of joining The Sun Exchange

Besides the obvious benefits, such as earning from your lease, joining this company offers much more.

  • Joining this company allows you to play a part in providing clean energy for our planet.
  • The Sun Exchange makes a positive social impact on businesses, schools, and other projects.
  • You can reduce your carbon footprint by investing in greener activities like this solar exchange project. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) For The Sun Exchange

How Do I Join The Crowdsale at The Sun Exchange?

You can join an open Crowdsale by signing into your account, going to the projects page, and selecting a suitable solar project.

When Is My Rental Income Paid? 

This company pays you the rental income from your solar project in the first week of each month.

What Are The Withdrawal Options At The Sun Exchange?

Members of this company can withdraw their earnings to their bank accounts as fiat or their cryptocurrency wallets as Bitcoin. They process all withdrawal requests within 24 hours.

Can I Sell My Solar Cells In The Future? 

All solar projects are on lease for 20 years, so they cannot be resold within that period. 


The Sun Exchange is a company that uses the crowd’s power to drive change for sustainable, clean energy. This allows businesses to access clean energy and investors to earn from their efforts. 


  • Emmanuel Eguono Ekokotu

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